European Politics

Yes, exactly. What I can read, from both western and eastern sources, suggests that this is the overall outcome of any properly democratic application of the concept of self-determination. Was it done properly? No, of course not.
Crimea seeks direct connection with R:


"Mr P, I ordered 2000 new boundary markers"

"Make that 20.000 at once"
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This is interesting:

Turkey's Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan says its armed forces have shot down a Syrian military jet which had violated its airspace.

He warned such action by Syria merited a "heavy response".

But Syria accused Turkey of "blatant aggression", saying the plane had been over Syrian territory at the time.

The incident reportedly occurred in an area where Syrian rebels and government forces have been fighting for control of a border crossing

Thoughts @The Flash ?
I heard the news, but couldn't get to the details because I was busy all day. Might post a thing or two after a bit of research.
+1 for the comment. +100 for cmdr. Benjamin Sisko.

Veneto referendum results - 73% turnout.

89% for independence.
55% for staying with EU.
65% for staying with NATO.
51% for staying inside Eurozone.

With this outcome, a clear message has been sent to Rome.
There exists no current mechanism in Italian state that would enable Venetians to mount a full legislature referendum.

Except for this :'s_declaration_of_independence#Verdict
And last time I checked, International Law is above national laws for all UN member states.
There are many small, under the carpet, conflicts everywhere in Europe. The crisis just increased their sound volume.
Obama was in the Netherlands and Belgium over the last days so I'd like to drop some of his speeches here.

Netherlands. Great location (and recognition ;-) )

Belgium. This one is basically his speech to/about Europe. More it's more about universal values (ideals!) and it contains some of the more serious warnings directed to what's going on in Ukraine and near its borders. That part starts with "I come here to insist that we must never take for granted the progress that has been won here in Europe and advanced around the world." Just go to the 10th minute and behold some of the most excellent food for thought.
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