European Politics

I'm just saying: one suspects these kind of sanctions will have very little effect. Are you saying you think Putin cares about the possible suspension of the 2014 G8?
If Russia was suspended from the G8 in general, that would hurt, because it would be a significant blow to their influence in the west. Putin wouldn't break down in tears, but he'd grumble a bit, I would think. After all, he has spent a considerable amount of effort in trying to maintain a good image in the west, and he's still buddies with Merkel, as far as I know.
True, but I think Putin got all the PR out of Sochi that he was going to get during the Olympics. The Russian economy is not in that great of shape, in part that might be a cause behind his recent actions, to draw attention away from it. If Europe really wants to reign him in, it can by freezing assets and stopping imports from Russia. Their economy could be destroyed in months. Foreign currency is the bombs and bullets in this war .. the question is, are the EU countries prepared to do that, as they would take a hit as well .. or are they fine with Russia Occupying parks of another country that wants closer ties to the EU
Which is why Putin responded so surprisingly positively to Merkel's bollocking. It's not much of a secret that Germany has some power over Russia. More than France or the UK could ever dream of.
Certainly .. I have not pulled stats, but I would imagine countries like Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria .. aka the former East bloc has more power over Russia than France or the UK ... or the US for that matter .. at this point
It's like they remember what happened last time. Sure, the Russians won, but not much fun in Stalingrad.
Germany is Russia's biggest trade partner, afaik. That's no little deal. It's Russia's gateway to the west. Much of their wealth relies on this.
Yes, but I don't know any stats. I've only heard the mantra all the time. But Germany is one of the top three trade partners of any country in the world.
For sure, you can see it. When I was driving from Berlin to Gdansk, you can see truck after truck (Polish and Russian) pouring into Germany with raw materials .. not to mention whatever comes in via pipeline by sea/train ... and a ton of prostitutes along the highway
The UN Security council meeting is being broadcast live at the moment, but who the hell cares what Rwanda has to say? :confused: It's all statements from the ambassadors at the moment so they'll never get round to doing anything. Might as well put us in charge.

On sanctions: the UK government looks like it won't be stopping any trade with Russia because it's too important to the UK economy.
Ukraine's ambassador to the UN is talking now. He told the Russian ambassador "I am Russian speaking, but I do not need protection". :D Now he's saying that it's the job of the Ukrainian government to deal with humanitarian issues, if any exist. He said that last part in Russian.

Ambassadors can talk all they want but this would be a lot more useful if the countries leaders all turned up and had a chat about it.
The territory of Ukraine is indivisible and inviolable. - From Ukraine's Act of Independence, August 24, 1991

Russia accepted it on December.