European Politics

Hold the phone!

Russia's Black Sea Fleet has given Ukrainian forces in Crimea until 5:00 local time (03:00 GMT) on Tuesday to surrender or face an all-out assault, according to Ukrainian defence ministry sources quoted by Interfax-Ukraine news agency. "If by 5am tomorrow morning they do not surrender a real assault will begin on units and sections of the Ukrainian armed forces all over Crimea," defence ministry officials are quoted as saying. So far there is no further confirmation of the ultimatum from other sources

.. as usual, The Simpsons were all over this years ago
From the BBC's updates:

Ukrainian ambassador to #EU tells me one sanction they will push for if Moscow doesn't back down is expel Russia from World Cup this summer
17.15 BREAKING: Our man in Moscow Howard Amos says that the Russian government has denied reports of an ultimatum issued to the Ukraine:

The Russian Defense Ministry has dismissed claims that an ultimatum to surrender has been issued to Ukrainian armed forces in Crimea.

A Defense Ministry spokesperson described the reports of an ultimatum as “complete nonsense,” according to Russian business daily Vedomos
Well. This just goes to prove that in any conflict, truth is the first victim. Expect more rumours to fly around, until all of this goes over or war actually does break out.
Did I say that? I trust neither, and that was my point. Two pieces of information, mutually exclusive.
Not necessarily. there is more than 1 Russian ... it is possible some local commander or other official did issue the ultimatum, and it was shot down further up/sideways on the chain of command.

But I will say not trusting the Russians is generally a good strategy
I'll go along with that, not trusting either side 100%, but if we have a statement by Ukraine and one by the Russians, I would tend to lean with the Ukrainian statement in the absence of any further evidence
Fair enough. Since I'm not in a position where I have to make decisions, I'm fine with not choosing one. What we do know is alarming enough - there are Russian troops in Crimea, and there is a risk of war.
From the BBC's updates:

Ukrainian ambassador to #EU tells me one sanction they will push for if Moscow doesn't back down is expel Russia from World Cup this summer
This & banning Putin from the G8 summit. The G8 being that meeting that he didn't bother turning up to the last time around (well, 2012) anyway. Totally pointless.
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