European Politics

Re: European Union

According to Alex Jones, there is a world government that would do such things. Orders like that come from Bilderberg, apparently.

I really wish that he would show some respect to the dead and the Polish people and not utilise this for his conspiracy antics.
Re: European Union

Given that Alex Jones believes 9/11 was done by the same folks, and that Obama is a dictatorial socialist, etc.
Re: European Union

Here is something I found in Le Monde.

Belgium died on 22 April 2010

I was born in the artificial product of a nineteenth century building only intended to deprive a possible resurrection of French imperialism in the port of Antwerp, and not in a homogeneous state. Like any couple, the persistence of a relationship depends on the will to live together, will that has disappeared in Flanders. (...) Our country has thus become meaningless. Are we destined, we francophones living in micro-state like Luxembourg or Monaco, or instead to join the mother language France, the future will tell.

Belgium died this April 22, 2010, just under one hundred and eighty years after its creation. Peace to his soul. Just as the indentity Corsica, Paris or Normandy, I could very well m'accomoder a Belgian identity become regional. (...)

La Belgique est morte ce 22 avril, par Michel T.

Je suis né dans le produit artificiel d'une construction du XIXe  siècle uniquement destinée à priver une possible résurrection de l'impérialisme français du port d'Anvers, et non dans un Etat homogène. Comme tout couple, la persistance d'une relation dépend de la volonté de vivre ensemble, volonté qui a disparu en Flandre. (...) Notre pays n'a donc plus de sens. Sommes-nous destinés, nous francophones, à vivre en micro-Etat, tels le Luxembourg ou Monaco, ou au contraire à rejoindre la mère linguistique France, l'avenir nous le dira.

La Belgique est morte ce 22 avril 2010, un peu moins de cent quatre-vingts ans après sa création. Paix à son âme. Au même titre qu'une indentité corse, parisienne ou normande, je pourrais très bien m'accomoder d'une identité belge devenue régionale. (...)
Re: European Union

I learned that Sweden and Poland despite they don't belong to Eurozone, they did accept to sign the EU rescue plan
-in case there will be a second Greece- kudos to both, this is the spirit.

On the other hand UK, despite the fact that will likely become the next target (especially now) it refused to sign the plan. 
I don't get it. Don't like it either.
Re: European Union

What is the difference between "Eurozone" and "EU"? Sweden is part of the EU, but does not use the Euro... is that the difference?
Re: European Union

Onhell said:
What is the difference between "Eurozone" and "EU"? Sweden is part of the EU, but does not use the Euro... is that the difference?

Precisely. "Eurozone" defines all countries using the Euro, while "EU" is, well, the EU.
Re: European Union

Will-I-Am said:
I learned that Sweden and Poland despite they don't belong to Eurozone, they did accept to sign the EU rescue plan
-in case there will be a second Greece- kudos to both, this is the spirit.

On the other hand UK, despite the fact that will likely become the next target (especially now) it refused to sign the plan.  
I don't get it. Don't like it either.

The UK is more anti-Euro.

I wasn't sure where to put this:

Today, more than 100 people died in a plane crash. 61 of them are Dutch. Other nationalities: citizens from the UK and South Africa. All died apart from one person: a ten-year-old boy was the sole 'miracle' survivor, and is under surgery in the hospital.

This was a flight from Johannesburg to London and planning a stop in Tripoli.

Some media reported that an explosion was heard, right before the landing... more on that later, I suppose.
Re: European Union

Will-I-Am said:
I learned that Sweden and Poland despite they don't belong to Eurozone, they did accept to sign the EU rescue plan
We have to, since Sweden is very, very dependant on trade so it is in our best interest.
Re: European Union

It's global. Yesterday Obama pressed Spain to implement reforms soon.

"The White House said Obama was actively engaged in ensuring that Europe's debt crisis did not hurt the global economy."
Re: European Union

LooseCannon said:
Given that Alex Jones believes 9/11 was done by the same folks, and that Obama is a dictatorial socialist, etc.

No, Obama is democratically elected corporatist.  Though in his ideal world, he'd probably want to be a socialist in the broader non-economical sense.  As for conspiracy theories, I don't buy the conspiracy part.  Politicians always want more power.  That does not mean there needs to be a conspiracy.
Re: European Union

Well, conspiracies happen, but they're not very successful, are they? As a species, we're really fucking bad at keeping secrets. Obama is what he is, and I agree that he'd probably want to be a little more socialist if he could get away with it, but he can't. But Marxist? Definitely not.
Re: European Union

I have not reason to think he'd want to be a dictator of the country, but he'd probably like USA to be more like social democracies of Europe.
Re: European Union

And we're not really suffering from a freedom deficit here.
Re: European Union

You're not?!?  Do you have statistics to show how many German citizens did not or did approve of the recent bailout?
Re: European Union

Genghis Khan said:
You're not?!?  Do you have statistics to show how many German citizens did not or did approve of the recent bailout?

A democratically elected government made the decision, which seems pretty free to me.  Did the majority of Americans support Obama's bailout plan?  The Iraq War?`

Since you ask, though, hereare some for Finland (not in English), and the majority of people polled accepted the bailout.  Not Germany, but a social democracy in Europe anyway, since that's what I believe the discussion was about a few posts ago.
Re: European Union

That's true, there doesn't have to be a vote on EVERYTHING. That is why we have elective representatives supposedlyy acting on our behalf.
Re: European Union

There's a reason Socrates blasted Athenean Democracy... little to nothing ever got done :p
Re: European Union

Onhell said:
That's true, there doesn't have to be a vote on EVERYTHING. That is why we have elective representatives supposedlyy acting on our behalf.

The key word there being "supposedly". 