Dream Theater

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Personally, I don't see the point of a Dream Theater greatest hits album. Dream Theater albums are usually something you have to experience from start to finish. Plus Dream Theater doesn't seem like the kind of band that has a lot of casual fans. Most people who listen to Dream Theater have heard all or most of their albums.
I like DT very much. However, they can be a bit boring sometimes, doing "masturbation".

They're all a bunch of top-of-the-class musicians. I can't say much about keyboards, because i don't listen to lead keyboard-filled metal often, but the others...as much as they're great musicians, they all lack both style and sound.

Now i'm dragging Maiden into this discussion  :D

Mike Portnoy, can play virtually anything, but as he himself said, Nicko can put half as much patterns than Mike, but Nicko's will sound more technical. And that's true. Portnoy's "wild" rhythms and fills are sure exciting, but his straight playing, where the drums just do what they're supposed to do..."beat", is really nothing out of the ordinary. Nicko has that special groove, even when not doing fills on his monster set and the "crazy right foot" stuff, he sounds special.

John Myung, excellent bass player with the same Portnoy "symptom". His solo-lines are superb, as the one on Metropolis Part I, and the contemporary on Dance Of Eternity, but his straight bass playing is dull. Sound doesn't break from the mix, it doesn't carry the song, and it doesn't add to the rhythm section with it's sound and style. Like Harris' does. Last time i checked...bass guitar was considered as rhythm instrument.

John Petrucci...man that can play all styles, but doesn't have a style of his own. Actually, apart from standard schemes and patterns, you can hear each one of his guitar influences in his solos. One of my favourite solos from John is the solo from Octavarium. Dissecting that solo lead me to conclusion...that it's the most faithful copy of Adrian Smith's style and sound, 95% of it, all except the final shredding, which is the most overused metal solo pattern.

James LaBrie, the weakest link. Standard, typical, heavy metal vocalist. Has nice voice and great range, but lacks power at that range. Great voice power at great voice range...does that ring a bell? (when the bell begins to chimeeeeee....) B)

And when playing their video stuff, they are completely dull on the stage. Everyone except Portnoy. They're just standing (or even sitting) still, and playing. And the music has hard riffs and some decent headbanging. When i'm looking at the world-class metal guitarist, i don't want him to stand there and just play, i want that guitar to be another part of his body, the moves, the expression, the energy.

Maybe it's because they overcomplicated their music in some cases, and even they need to think what's next. I'm a very energetic player myself, and i like to "move" around a bit while playing, but if i'm playing some part that's bordering with my skills, i'm going to freeze myself still and concentrate.

In any case, DT is a great band plagued by lousy live preformance (in terms of showmanship) and lack of sound and style on all fields. Nevertheless, i enjoy them much.

My favourite albums are Scenes From The Memory and Images And Words.
That was a nice read. Might I have permission to copy this post and use it in other forums where people think DT is the best band ever?

Not to say or pretend that they are my words, but more like "I read an interesting opinion on Dream Theater on another forum, which suits well to my own feelings about this band..."

Cheers, and thanks in advance.
I've heard alot about Dream Theater. What songs do you recommend guys?

Sorry if it's already been brought up I'm rather in a hurry :)
Well, as stated a few posts above, it is really hard to listen to just a few of their songs.  However, to start someone off on DT, I would pick up Images & Words... it has their 'hit' on it (Pull Me Under), and some other really good tunes.  The new album, Systematic Chaos, is pretty good too... it has some 'harder' stuff on it-- if thats the style you like.

I can see, kinda, what was said above by Zare, but I really don't delve that far into the music.  For some, that makes it more enjoyable, to follow the subtle nuances in the music.  For me, I just love the way it sounds. 
Forostar, be my guest.

I can see, kinda, what was said above by Zare, but I really don't delve that far into the music.  For some, that makes it more enjoyable, to follow the subtle nuances in the music.  For me, I just love the way it sounds.

Yeah, i'm kinda of a musician so i tend to look things from that angle. Of course, being unique and innovative in terms of sound and style is not the only thing that matters, and for that record, Cobain's "playing" is really unique, but i quoted the word playing.
wasted155 said:
Well, as stated a few posts above, it is really hard to listen to just a few of their songs.  However, to start someone off on DT, I would pick up Images & Words... it has their 'hit' on it (Pull Me Under), and some other really good tunes.  The new album, Systematic Chaos, is pretty good too... it has some 'harder' stuff on it-- if thats the style you like.

I can see, kinda, what was said above by Zare, but I really don't delve that far into the music.  For some, that makes it more enjoyable, to follow the subtle nuances in the music.  For me, I just love the way it sounds. 

Cheer's mate will get it tomorrow
Zare said:
Yeah, i'm kinda of a musician so i tend to look things from that angle. Of course, being unique and innovative in terms of sound and style is not the only thing that matters, and for that record, Cobain's "playing" is really unique, but i quoted the word playing.

Sure, that makes sense.  Its all relevant to what you know or how you see it.  Honestly, I don't see or 'get' the lack of style, but I just don't know what I am looking for there.  I do enjoy the stories that go along with the songs-- for me thats the 'depth' that i like, along with the music.  If you have any suggestions of good 'progressive rock' (which is what I think DT is termed), I'd love to hear of them.

Eclipse said:
Cheer's mate will get it tomorrow

Hope you like it!!  As Zare said here, and Onhell somewhere else, 'Scenes From A Memory' is a great album, also.  I love it, personally.  It is very 'cerebral'-- its a concept album and I think it does a great job in that aspect.  However, it isn't something that you can pick a song or two off of-- it is def an 'entire album' type of thing.
Zare said:
I like DT very much. However, they can be a bit boring sometimes, doing "masturbation".

They're all a bunch of top-of-the-class musicians. I can't say much about keyboards, because i don't listen to lead keyboard-filled metal often, but the others...as much as they're great musicians, they all lack both style and sound....

I've heard this before and I can see it every now and then, specially the influence showing up rather obviously. Octavarium is a pink floyd/yes rip-off, but I still like it LOL.

As for Labrie... I've had this debate with several people and while he is the weakest link I think he is still perfect for DT. They do a lot of... artsy "flamboyant" pieces and his voice and "style" suit them. (can you imagine Hetfield singing 'finally free'? I think not). However the "harder" Symphony X's Russel Allen is fucking brilliant.
I am convinced that when LaBrie sings high, his voice sounds like a strangled (fill in)

A. duck
B. frog
C. hippo

...all answers lead to unpleasant sound.  :innocent:
Forostar said:
I am convinced that when LaBrie sings high, his voice sounds like a strangled (fill in)

A. duck
B. frog
C. hippo

...all answers lead to unpleasant sound.  :innocent:
I am convinced that when typing this Forostar was either (fill in)

A. Drunk
B: High
C. Experiancing some kind of psychological disorder  :innocent::P )

No really; I disagree, he sounds kind of Geoff Tate-ish which I highly approve of. Though, his vocal chords got damaged after food poisoning around 1993 and he is yet to recover completely. 
I was serious about not liking his voice when he sings high.

His vibration is menacing to my ears, really the sound of an animal in big trouble.

Anyway, tastes (and ears - kidding! ;) ) differ.
I don't like his voice ....at all
Can't believe that Maiden offered him a position once  :mad: Plus, he turned them down, now what about this 
Maiden didn't offer a straight position, they offered auditioning. He refused because he didn't want to leave DT. I truly respect that - maybe Maiden weren't number one metal band like in mid to late 80's, but they were among top two bands (Metallica) at that time. Still, he decilined something that could make him Iron Maiden's frontman, for the sake of his own band that has just broke through.

And if you ask me, Blaze was a better choice. Maybe he doesn't have the range but he has power without "cookie-monster" singing and rash voice. Maiden wouldn't have to "tune down" and partially lose their sound with LaBrie, but he's just not the kind of voice for Maiden. Type of Kiske, or even newer HM vocalists like the overrated guys from Camelot and Lost Horizon, for instance. They are great, but too overrated. Again - great range, no power. Either it's like somebody caught their balls when they're singing high notes, or they're just screaming.

IMHO, the only person that could fill Dickinson's shoes in terms of power, range, musicmanship and charisma is Ronnie James Dio.
LooseCannon said:
Or Halford, I think, could do a respectable job.

that would be awesome !! Tim Owens too

@Zare : Dio would be an excellent replacement, considering that he is a great lyric maker aside his frontman charisma
Either one would be outstanding, I think.

As far as LaBrie, I really like him.  I remember the first DT album, and was kind of 'ho-hum' about it.  But when they picked him up, and I heard Images and Words, I was hooked.  I can't imagine DT without him as singer.
Gillan, too, could've been a good replacement.

But Halford or Dio?  I think they'd have been too good for Maiden (if such a thing is possible), since, to be frank, I think they're even better singers than Bruce.  Even Maiden wouldn't have "deserved" them; it's like Bruce would sing in Helloween or something.  (Though Bruce is a better frontman, IMO.)
LooseCannon said:
Or Halford, I think, could do a respectable job.
True, but mind you that Halford and Bruce are two very different singers. But still I think you're right; Rob could've pulled it off.
Invader said:
(Though Bruce is a better frontman, IMO.)

And that's an important role in Maiden. Halford's voice has been going downhill in the last years, and so has his memory (he forgets his lyrics and uses a teleprompter, so he has to stand still most of the time).

Halford was fantastic in the seventies, eighties and the first half of the nineties. The last 15 years Bruce is surely the better singer, especially live. Just compare bootlegs (real live recordings).