Dream Theater

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The guitar solo at the beginning of Surrounded is delicious. Probably my favorite on that album.

Metropolis is my 2nd favorite DT song.
I agree that terrorists should be exterminated, but I guess that Portnoy thinks that ALL people in Iraq and Afghanistan are terrorists. And this sentence "Whatever it takes to get the job done." is very wrong.
He said it in the interview that Mosh posted:


And here:


When I proposed it, I proposed an indefinite hiatus

Maybe suggesting that he wanted to stop Dream Theater was a bit misleading but if the rest of the band had agreed to his proposal then there would have been no tours or new music for the foreseeable future so the band would have essentially ceased to exist.
It's obvious he wanted to stop Dream Theater. I'm surprised he didn't pull a Roger Waters and sue them. In fact, this DT thing is so similar to the Pink Floyd situation it's scary. I guess he drew more than a musical influence.
He can only blame himself, for leaving his band of 25 years to play with A7X. (I'm sure he wanted to stay permanently in A7X)
I'm gonna defend Mike here. Leaving DT was the right decision for him, he didn't want to be there, his writing was declining, and he needed something fresh. I think touring with a younger band helped him a lot too, and he got to play some heavier music which I'm sure he enjoyed a ton. DT needs to reunite with him at least once before they quite, at least to play the 12 step suite in full. MP devoted nearly 10 years to that piece and had the intention to do it all, and it would be great if he could.
I guess so, but I think it would be better to do it with the band.
The 12 step suite got really dull towards the end. The first three songs were excellent but the final two were really poor in my opinion.
Black Wizard said:
Maybe suggesting that he wanted to stop Dream Theater was a bit misleading but if the rest of the band had agreed to his proposal then there would have been no tours or new music for the foreseeable future so the band would have essentially ceased to exist.
Yeah, I interpreted it like after Portnoy was dismissed/left/whatever he whined "booo-hooo, I am DT. They should just stop if I'm not in the band. Just ridiculous that they try and keep going". But yeah, I got it now!
I blame Portnoy for the band's changing musical style. It wasn't like Dream Theater anymore, yes, there were technical stuff again but the feeling and the compositions wasn't Dream Theater. Take a look at Take the Time and The Dark Eternal Night. Portnoy wanted band to be a standard modern metal band, Train of Thought was the first sign of it with its alternative metal feeling.

They did make great songs in that era but I like Images and Words, Awake Dream Theater much more than this. I'm happy to see Portnoy leave actually, at least there won't be any ridiculous backing vocals  :bigsmile:

About the new snippet, This is the Life, it has a great feeling to it. It will be a ballad, I think but I'm not sure, maybe a slow part in a whole different composition. I really feel that A Dramatic Turn of Events will be a comeback to first years of Dream Theater's career with its musicality.
The Flash said:
I'm happy to see Portnoy leave actually, at least there won't be any ridiculous backing vocals  :bigsmile:
I do love the falsetto in 'Prophets of War', if only for the sheer comedy value.


On Dream Theater's change in style: there has been a lot of good songs on the recent albums and 'Octavarium' is my favourite Dream Theater album but asides from that album I think their creativity has been blunted somewhat.
Jupz said:
I thought TSF was one of the best.
Agreed. It sums it up quiet nicely. And I'm starting to appreciate Repentance more.