Dream Theater

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I think the lyrics for 'The Count of Tuscany' are dreadful, probably Dream Theater's worst, and I'm glad I'm not the only person who thinks so. The instrumental version is wonderful though.
The lyrics could be better, yeah, but the last section is amazing. My favorite part of the song and the album. Brings up a lot memories, good and bad, for me. That is the goal of art after all, sure there is the artist's intention, but then there is the audiences interpretation. that and TMOLS are special songs to me.
I'll give em a shot. I probably won't remember any of it by the time the album comes out.
Woops, thought the samples posted in the other thread were DT samples, not samples from the other band. I'll check them out.
Oh. That makes sense as to why they were posted there then.
From the DT forum:
Mike Portnoy said:
"I never said '5 years' as they are saying...I suggested an "indefinite" break (which is exactly that...take some time off and when we ALL were ready, re-start)...they said no...I then suggested a compromise of reconvening in Jan 2012...they still said no...I then suggested a further compromise of doing "light work" throughout 2011 in order to keep $ flowing in...and they STILL said no...they basically said 'it's Jan 2011 or we're moving on without you'...with no compromises and no concerns or respect for my need for time off...and I wasn't going to be "forced" into something I wasn't ready to do, so I was left with no choice but to step aside....and then at the end of October, after 6 weeks of reflection, I was willing to do it just for the sake of not losing my own band, but they already started their auditions and their film and it was too late (although Mangini was NOT in the band yet at this point)...and even then, they had their lawyers respond to me...they didnt even do it themselves!! So everybody, GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT before making accusations about me!!! or even better yet, let's just drop it and move on...The Serenity Prayer has taught me to "accept the things I cannot change"...and until somebody builds a time machine, you cannot change the past (and even then, the movies have hinted that you still cant)"

Makes sense. Until he gets to the rejoining part. I'm glad they didn't take a break, they can only get bigger at this point.
It's his own fault. No one forced him to do three side projects while the rest of the band was on hiatus. It's that simple. Fuck him and his "constant motion".
haha thanks. Everyone over there seems to like it a lot. :D
Wednesday, June 29th, the first track will be available for listening - On the Backs of Angels - on Roadrunner's YouTube channel from 11 AM EST (5 PM CET)!
Just wrote a comment on the news page about the song, I will do a copy-paste.

The beginning atmosphere is interesting and nice. Intro has good melodies but there's an inharmonious melody on it that changes the whole ambiance of it. Intro's length arranged perfectly, not too long nor too short, the rising part with powerful riffs and keyboard melodies is also nice. Irregular rhythm part is kind of forced and doesn't work for me. I know it's one of the constituents of progressive metal but Dream Theater made a lot better of that in terms of rhythms. But Jordan Rudess' keyboard touches to that part saves it. LaBrie's enter to that song is terrible, I don't feel any metal or rock on it, just saying some stuff. Thank god the backing riffs are not that bad. The short Petrucci solo is nice also the only part that LaBrie performed well comes after that solo, impressive, emotional but not too much emotional. The slow part is also great, Petrucci's solo is cool but the shredding stuff at the end doesn't go up well with it. The ending could have done better.

The star of the song is definitely Jordan Rudess, great melodies with great timing.

I'm not really a fan of LaBrie's voice. I mean his natural voice. He had decent vocal melodies in his career (for example Metropolis or Learning to Live) but his natural voice is not that good. And with bad vocal melodies, he just hurts my ears. I couldn't hear Mike Mangini, there's no real drum partition. I hope there won't be a disbelief issue with him and the rest of the band, just like Jason Newsted-Metallica thing. They turned down the volume of the bass just because they didn't believe in him after losing Cliff. But I don't think that's the case here, I will look after the other songs to see what is going on about the drums.

Overall, nice song.
I don't have anything for or against the song, I've only listened to it twice, the intro is nice, and Jordan's piano solo is the best part of the song to me. Sadly, I can remember no other details. I hope the rest of the album will be more memorable.