I've seen no word about any other shows, and I've been reading the DT forums every day for news. But it's still early... we may have to wait until spring for more dates to be announced.
Jupz said:JP tweeted they were in the studio today
Black_Thunder said:So, the next album can be excepted around mid-2011?
Black_Thunder said:I heard they already did some recordings with Mike - even recorded 4 tracks or so... I can't confirm this though...
Forostar said:Wow, that's a small amount of songs for such a discography!
I really like how DT does their setlists.Black_Thunder said:They change set list seriously on every show.
I liked MP's big kit. It's like a monster set. But Neil Pert's drumkit owns every drum kit on the planet. including MP's.Black Wizard said:I'd like Dream Theater's new drummer to have a reasonable sized kit so that they don't have to play at the SECC.