Well I'm way overdue, but here are a few thoughts on the past 3 albums.
Six Degrees
I feel conflicted about this album, overall. I love the first disc, but the 2nd doesn't do a whole lot for me.
To start with, both The Glass Prison and Blind Faith are absolutely fantastic. I would put both songs in my top 10, and I'm very glad to see that they were able to advance. I was a little worried that my adoration for Blind Faith would be in the minority, but you can all pat yourselves on the back for getting that one right.
Misunderstood is a song that is vastly underrated, in my opinion. It's not quite at the same level as the first two songs, but I still wish it would have stuck around for longer.
The Great Debate, however, is a major weak spot for me. The music is alright, but I just can't get past the lyrics. They sound like something written by a high school sophomore who has a report due in six hours. I agree with the message, but the delivery completely falls flat with me. I feel pretty much the same way about Sacrificed Sons, but to a slightly lesser extent.
I'm glad 6DOIT was considered a single song in this game, because it made the decision to vote for it extremely easy. There are some decent moments sprinkled throughout, but not enough to justify sitting through the whole 42 minute ordeal. Even when taken out of context of the whole song, none of the individual tracks stand out very much. I'm disappointed, but not surprised, that this song was promoted.
Train of Thought
I don't have a whole lot to say, other than this album completely fucking rules! Right now I would put it as my #1 DT album. This Dying Soul, Endless Sacrifice, Stream of Consciousness, and In The Name of God are all a 10/10. Vacant works well as an intro to SoC. Even As I Am, which would have to be the weakest song of the album, is better than at least 50% of the songs on every other DT album. (Ok, maybe it's more like 30%, but you get the idea.)
When I first started listing to DT, this was my favorite album. Right now, I'm really not sure why that was. I still like it quite a bit, but I currently have it below the previous 3 albums.
The Root of All Evil is solid, but not outstanding. Definitely the weakest of the Twelve-step Suite.
The Answer Lies Within isn't the best DT ballad, but it's still pretty good. I wont be voting for it here, but I won't lose any sleep if it ends up getting eliminated.
These Walls just keeps growing and growing on me after every listen. My #3 favorite of the album.
I walk Beside You - meh
Panic Attack is probably a big reason why I used to like this album so much. While I don't quite love this song as much as I used to, it's still great nonetheless. My #2 favorite of the album.
I'm unsure how to feel about Never Enough. It's not bad, but it doesn't quite grab me either. Overall I have to say it's pretty forgettable. I don't mean that in a completely negative way, (If it was a really bad song, I'd remember it
) Just that it never sticks out in my mind whenever I think about this album.
Sacrificed Sons suffers from The Great Debate syndrome. Maybe it's just a problem with me, but the lyrics to these songs are just way to overt, I guess you can say. If you're going to write a song about 9/11, it could be done a lot better. To this song's credit, however, the instrumental parts in the middle are pretty good.
Octavarium - not much needs to be said. A top 10 song, and my clear favorite of the album.
Now that all that's out of the way, Finally Free, I Walk Beside You, Never Enough, Sacrificed Sons get my votes.