Dr. Eddies Wingman
Brighter than thousand_suns
Mountains so lofty? Rather mosquitoes a-plenty.
Mountains so lofty? Rather mosquitoes a-plenty.
They're getting really fast at it now, it's like a darts tournamentAlso, wanted to mention that while the 1st jab took a few seconds to be pumped in, this one was almost instantaneous. Probably because they put the chip in the 1st jab.
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Coronavirus death rate in Europe, by country 2023 | Statista
As of January 13, 2023, Bulgaria had the highest rate of COVID-19 deaths among its population in Europe at 548.6 deaths per 100,000 population.www.statista.com
Hi Onhell. How is this situation at the moment? With your mother. All well, I hope.As I stated before, the reason I got vaccinated was due to a concerted effort by the federal and state governments to get all teaching staff vaccinated for a return to in-person classes as soon as possible. The thing is, the whole thing wreaked of political theater. I mean, they had chairs out for us to sit while we waited, they had hundreds of volunteers to shepard us into our rows where they had more chairs to sit in comfortably underneath huge tents. They had a big screen TV, live entertainment, volunteers walked around like airline stewards with carts containing electrolytes, water, popcorn, chips and baked goods. Even the governor made a photo-op appearance. After our shot we were given notepads with the University logo and the slogan, "Soon our lion hearts will hug each other again." (The school mascot are the Black Lions).
My mom, who is 76, did not get vaccinated when it was her turn. A mixture of fear to the side effects and having horrible seasonal allergies kept her from taking the plunge. After some extensive consideration she decided to go for it. Last week the government anounced that all people 50 AND OLDER, should register to get vaccinated if they still haven't done so. Monday she goes to the vaccination site and she gets rejected (after standing in line for 4 hours, because they are told they are only giving second doses. One of the staff memebers lets it slip that MAYBE on Thursday they could give everyone the vaccine. She returns on Thursday and she asks right away if she'll be able to get the vaccine. The staff member reassures her that yes, "But it's my FIRST dose, is that ok? Can I stay?" "Yes, yes, don't worry," He says. AN HOUR later some guy comes by and says through a megaphone, "Remember folks, we are only giving the SECOND dose today, only the SECOND Pfizer dose! Everyone else can go home." Clearly angry, my mom tells this guy that the President of the country AND the head of the Health department said in the news that ANYONE seeking to get vaccinated can go and WON'T be rejected. Dude just says, "Sorry, only second doses."
She told me how they didn't have any chairs for people, no tents to create shade, no one handing out water and clearly disorganized and misinformed. This is how we're treating our senior citizens. So it upset me even more to be used as a prop so the government can pat itself on the back as to what great a job they're doing, when in reality, they have no idea how to organize the vaccination effort for the rest of their citizens AND even though they want us to go back to in person classes, they have failed to come up with a similar vaccination plan for students. Fucking morons.
Hi Foro, thank you for asking. It's going. We're still waiting as to when she can get it. The state started vaccinating people 50 and over last week, but in the rural areas and surrounding towns, so we're waiting for the governmetn to announce when they'll do it in the city. She's considering just going to the U.S and getting it done there. She has to go to straighten some stuff out with a bank account, and other personal matters so might as well get vaccinated as well.Hi Onhell. How is this situation at the moment? With your mother. All well, I hope.
Great news. Still no news when I´ll get mine...I'll be getting my first tomorrow. Suddenly, things seem to go fast in the Netherlands.
Update, She's scheduled to get it next thursday.Hi Onhell. How is this situation at the moment? With your mother. All well, I hope.
Wow that's an unusual strategy. I see the logic, the younger age group is more likely to socialise far and wide, and possibly be in bigger groups of people, but still, risk of serious illness and death is definitely higher for 40-45Despite Oslo being one of 20-something cities/municipalities in Norway to get more vaccines and me living in a part of the city getting a bit more doses than average for the city, I believe I still am weeks away from even making an appointment.
They have decided that once they finish vaccinating people between 45 and 54 years old, they'll do 18-22 first, then 40-44. Hooray for being in the group 25-39. If I were to guess right now, I'd say first dose sometime in July is the most likely for me.
Here, people born in 1981 or earlier have all had the chance to make an appointment. Also people with higher risks and healthcare workers (all ages).
Up next: 1982 and 1983, perhaps tomorrow.
Think that's the reasoning. The spread has been larger among the youngest group.Wow that's an unusual strategy. I see the logic, the younger age group is more likely to socialise far and wide, and possibly be in bigger groups of people, but still, risk of serious illness and death is definitely higher for 40-45
The Punch and Judy show that is the Government is manufacturing 'leaks'/dropping hints that it might be about to backtrack on it's June 21 'Freedom Day' farce. Current rumours suggest they're going to keep existing (legal?) restrictions for another two weeks, which sounds like nowhere near enough time in the face of only half of the adult population having had both doses of a vaccine, and the Delta formerly-known-as-Indian variant becoming the most dominant strain in the UK.
I may be a huge sceptic of one political party in particular, but I've never previously distrusted them to the extent of having no faith at all that they have an interest in public safety. They just do whatever is in keeping with their own prejudices and only temper that when it looks like they might lose a few points with the populist mob.