Contest: Mom's Maiden Mixtape (nice prize included)

Thanks for the info everybody. Now I am not so surprised about this news item anymore:
Avoid doner kebabs, the sick, elderly and pregnant are told

Friday 26 October 2012

People with reduced resistance to infection, the elderly and pregnant women should avoid eating doner kebabs because of the high levels of bacteria many contain, according to the consumers association Consumentenbond.

The organisation tested 49 different doner kebabs from Groningen, Utrecht, Amsterdam, Rotterdam and Breda and found bacteria which could make people ill in half of them. In five cases, the food was found to contain bacteria associated with faeces.

High levels of bacteria indicate the food is either too old, has been kept warm for too long or that hygiene standards are poor, the association said.
Great, now you spoiled one of my favourite fast foods for me.
I think that's way off Foro. Not every Muslim is strickly into that stuff therefore not every kebab maker isn't. I almost eat kebab twice a week if that was true I'd be sick all my life. :p

By the way Perun is right. Doing everything the way Muhammad did is called "sunnah" (sünnet in Turkish) and Muhammad used to only use his right hand to eat.

Another thing, the usage of toilet paper goes way back to 6th century, it was used popularly in Middle Asia and China. The reason why it got popular in the West later is the movements of Turkic and Chinese populations. Though since religions are all a huge, pathetic lie, it's easier to explain it since Arabs didn't use toilet paper those days and that wasn't even mentioned in Islamic rules. Religions are a geographical way to use big populations anyway, you gotta do the deceiving right.
I haven't been following the thread (I'm busy listening to playlists lol - so how exactly did you get to debating the Muslim habit of wiping with a stone again?), but as a person living a country where a place selling doner kebab, or, Shawarma as we call it here, can be practically found every two blocks, I have to say that that report looks like total biased bullcrap. I don't know how immigrant Turks or whoever that make Shawarmas in Holland do it, but I'm pretty sure *any* meat being treated as described can catch bacteria - and of the worst kind. Had they broadened their search I'm pretty sure they would have "discovered" similar and even far more severe findings in many other restaurants, hotels, food stalls, markets, the list goes on and on, and on and on and on.... oh, ohooo, woahhhh, oh.
Had they broadened their search I'm pretty sure they would have "discovered" similar and even more severe findings in many other restaurants, hotels, food stalls, markets, and so on
Yeah, that's the first thing I thought as well.
I haven't eaten kebab in a few years since inspection found something you wouldn't like to taste in the white sauce they use there.
I love how a digression about metal chicks can turn into a mega-digression about Muslim toilet habits and kebab kitchen hygiene.
Beauty (and the beast) which is the Interwebs.

I will have to postpone the contest results to Thursday, guys. I have 14 lists to evaluate and I am only 3 lists in. Life's tough when you're starting up your own company :) So Thursday it is!

I haven't eaten kebab in a few years since inspection found something you wouldn't like to taste in the white sauce they use there.
I haven't eaten kebab in a few years since inspection found something you wouldn't like to taste in the white sauce they use there.

I always thought that was an urban legend that everybody tells everywhere. I've always heard it being told by people who know people.