Contest: Mom's Maiden Mixtape (nice prize included)

It's very interesting to note the only song mutually shared between all lists is Wasted Years! Thanks Foro, and good luck!
Well... It's less about "best" and more about what my mom actually likes, so, don't party too early ;)
Certainly, I do recall back to when my Mom was in her late 40s (sadly, she never made 50, but got close) ... I would try to get her into bands I liked ... she was more Beatles, Stones, Aerosmith (all of which I like as well) ... and trying to essentially do what you are doing. Anyway, I think this is what I would have used to sway her towards Maiden thinking about it now .. however at the time, pulling out Number of the Beast was an error on judgement along with saying "wow Eddie is cool, look at all these pic of him" :)

I'm counting on life experience to pull me ahead here :)