Classic Rock Clue Game III - Round 5 part 3

Since first right guess gets the points, I'll keep up...

#170: One way of getting from place to place. Artist name has one more letter than song title.
Second clue:
#170: Appears on one of the last albums you'd expect to find in a record store.
ZZ Top, "Legs"
2 points to Cornfed Hick.

Second clue:
#167: Playing this song in a Canadian park, a mob of guitarists attempted to set a Guinness World Record for "Largest Guitar Ensemble".

#165: 15-letter title. A 3-letter combination appears twice in the second half.
Second clue:
#165: Clarifying the above, the last two words end with the same 3 letters, but they don't rhyme.

#164: Generic artist name.
Second clue:
#164: Clarifying the above, the song title is a generic artist name.

#163: 10-letter title. A 3-letter combination appears twice. Every word ends with the same letter.
Second clue:
#163: Clarifying the above, every word ends with "e".

Second clue:
#162: Not a Beatles song.
Paul McCartney, "Band On The Run"
2 points to Shadow.

#161: If you like Def Leppard's third album, you might do this.
Second clue:
#161: One and 1/72 revolutions.
Talking Heads, "Burning Down The House"
2 points to Cornfed Hick.

The list of most common artists in the top 512:
23 Led Zeppelin
19 Rolling Stones
18 Van Halen
15 Beatles
14 Aerosmith
13 Pink Floyd
12 Tom Petty
12 Who
11 AC/DC
11 U2
10 Doors
9 Boston
9 Eagles
9 Foreigner
8 Journey
8 Lynyrd Skynyrd
8 John Mellencamp
8 Queen
8 Rush
7 Bad Company
7 Cars
7 Guns N Roses
7 Steve Miller
7 Police
7 Bob Seger
7 Bruce Springsteen
7 Styx

3 of the remaining 4 artists are in this list.

Cornfed Hick, 7 points
Shadow, 2 points
Not sure if this violates the "no piggybacking" rule, but:

163. Bye Bye Love, The Cars

They are different songs with the same title. Shadow did not choose wisely. :p

#163: 10-letter title. A 3-letter combination appears twice. Every word ends with the same letter.
Second clue:
#163: Clarifying the above, every word ends with "e".
The Cars, "Bye Bye Love"
2 points to Cornfed Hick.

Cornfed Hick, 9 points
Shadow, 2 points
#165: 15-letter title. A 3-letter combination appears twice in the second half.
Second clue:
#165: Clarifying the above, the last two words end with the same 3 letters, but they don't rhyme.

Pink Floyd, "Wish You Were Here"
2 points to Cornfed Hick.

Cornfed Hick, 11
Shadow, 2

Remaining clues:

Second clue:
#167: Playing this song in a Canadian park, a mob of guitarists attempted to set a Guinness World Record for "Largest Guitar Ensemble".

#164: Generic artist name.
Second clue:
#164: Clarifying the above, the song title is a generic artist name.

The list of most common artists in the top 512:
23 Led Zeppelin
19 Rolling Stones
18 Van Halen
15 Beatles
14 Aerosmith
13 Pink Floyd
12 Tom Petty
12 Who
11 AC/DC
11 U2
10 Doors
9 Boston
9 Eagles
9 Foreigner
8 Journey
8 Lynyrd Skynyrd
8 John Mellencamp
8 Queen
8 Rush
7 Bad Company
7 Cars
7 Guns N Roses
7 Steve Miller
7 Police
7 Bob Seger
7 Bruce Springsteen
7 Styx

1 of the remaining 2 artists is in this list.
Scoring and rules adjustments to keep this game competitive:

The remaining 2 clues will be worth 5 points each. Cornfed Hick is not allowed to guess.

From this point forward, Cornfed Hick is not allowed to post any guesses in this game until my clues have been posted for 24 hours. After that, he may post guesses for clues which others have guessed at.

I am trying to generate some interest in this game and chance for other players. I'm not running this game if it's just me making clues and CFH guessing them. I've already redone the rules and clues once today trying to give someone else a chance. I'm not trying to be anti-CFH, but this is no fun for anyone but him right now.
Sorry guys. I like this game and want to play.
Life is just a little hectic at the moment.
I'm just terrible at this game so I've only been posting when I feel I actually came up with a decent guess.
I'd love to play this game. However my knowledge of rock music history is lacklustre. I know every artist mentioned but rarely ever the songs mentioned.
Two days left, two songs left. I'll give the third clues for the remaining songs now. Everybody but Cornfed Hick has two days to guess these. (Don't worry about CFH, he'll still be substantially in the lead at round's end.)

These songs are now worth 3 points each (not 5 as noted above, I've decided that's a mistake).

B: Playing this song in a Canadian park, a mob of guitarists attempted to set a Guinness World Record for "Largest Guitar Ensemble".
C: The key word in "B" is "Canadian". The guy who wrote this song also wrote a different famous song which was not about a Canadian.

Deep Purple, "Smoke On The Water" is confirmed to be wrong.

A: Generic artist name.
B: Clarifying the above, the song title is a generic artist name.
C: Clarifying further, the song title refers to more than one person.

Bob Dylan / Byrds, "Mr. Tamborine Man" is confirmed to be wrong.

The list of most common artists in the top 512:
23 Led Zeppelin
19 Rolling Stones
18 Van Halen
15 Beatles
14 Aerosmith
13 Pink Floyd
12 Tom Petty
12 Who
11 AC/DC
11 U2
10 Doors
9 Boston
9 Eagles
9 Foreigner
8 Journey
8 Lynyrd Skynyrd
8 John Mellencamp
8 Queen
8 Rush
7 Bad Company
7 Cars
7 Guns N Roses
7 Steve Miller
7 Police
7 Bob Seger
7 Bruce Springsteen
7 Styx

Free hint: the #167 artist is not on this list, but #164 is here.

Good luck!

"Take the 8:15 into the city ... If your train's on time..."
B: Playing this song in a Canadian park, a mob of guitarists attempted to set a Guinness World Record for "Largest Guitar Ensemble".
Mosh was on track with "Smoke On The Water", in the sense that it's an easy song. Three chords in fact: C - B-flat - F - rinse and repeat endlessly.
C: The key word in "B" is "Canadian". The guy who wrote this song also wrote a different famous song which was not about a Canadian.
Song by a Canadian, about a non-Canadian is "American Woman" by the Guess Who, written by Randy Bachman.
Bachman-Turner Overdrive, "Takin' Care Of Business"

A: Generic artist name.
B: Clarifying the above, the song title is a generic artist name.
C: Clarifying further, the song title refers to more than one person.

Boston, "Rock And Roll Band"

Score for this round:
Cornfed Hick 11
Shadow 2
Another rules change - there are no rules!

Quite simply, I'm taking the "competition" aspect out of the game so we can just have fun. I'm no longer keeping any overall scoreboard. Cornfed Hick is not banned from guessing. I'm just gonna post 10 new clues every Thursday and keep score round by round (every Thursday starts a new game). Anyone who gets a clue right gets the full points for it - no more bonus points or only giving the points to the first. Second clues for each song will be posted Sunday morning, and third clues on Tuesday morning.

With a plan of "less game, more fun", I hope some more of you will join us. You can change your guess any time you like, and "piggybacking" on the correct anwers will still get you points. I'll also try to help a bit when guesses are bad... for example, if someone guesses Depeche Mode again, I'll be nice enough to point out that DM rarely gets played on US rock radio. I can't explicitly confirm right or wrong until I award points, but where it's reasonable I'll help you stay on the right track.
Round 5 clues

#159: Increasing in speed by 9.8 meters per second, every second.
#158: All summer long.
#155: The only other song on the countdown by the #156 artist. By chance, both of their big US hits wound up together on the list.
#154: If you performed 1000 concerts for 1000 people at each, you could say the same.
#153: Radio stations play this when it rains.
#151: There are only two different letters in this song title.

Good luck!
#160 Steve Miller Band - Fly Like an Eagle
#159 Tom Petty - Free Falling
#152 Led Zepplin - Black Dog