Can this still be real or just some crazy dream?

I dreamt it's Purim and I'm riding to school on an old Spider-Man kick scooter early morning. But midway through I realize I forgot my face mask and am also coughing a lot, so I make my way back home. When I arrive at the roundabout, I wonder what custome I brought... So I get a feel of the hat I'm wearing and it's a witch hat. Oops, I take it off and it's actually a Christmas hat xD.
Then me and some kids I know (in the dream only) begin moving towards our homes. As always I'm on the lookout for boars*, but we get a lot of other animals like: a leopard, a big, white and derpy porcupine (which I didn't realize what it was at first), there were shelves near the park with dogs the same kind as my grandparents' on them, another big cat, but it was black and looked like the cat in my friend's building, and she scratched me but the kids helped get her off me. There was also an otter. And then I thought about @Brigantium's, I think wrote it, comment from a while ago how she imagines it must be pretty cool to have wildlife where you live, and then I woke up.
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I dreamt of some Google time machine, it was like a video of all time. (Like the dream sequencer from Ayreon, now that I think about it!) I went back in time to 1941, when (then nazi) London was named after that dude in the car I was following. I then went to 70s Armenia, and witnessed the sky becoming gray in a timelapse fashion due to industrialization.
Then I went back to my own creation, when I was a fetus. I could view the exact moment at which I was made a living creature. I (the fetus) held a flashlight because it was dark. My parents were going out of the house, but I followed the Google cameraman who was there to film for the Video™. He went into our bathroom, the one before the renovation, and murmured to himself something I can't remember now. I also discovered I was born in a different hospital than I was told.
Then I went back to my own creation, when I was a fetus. I could view the exact moment at which I was made a living creature. I (the fetus) held a flashlight because it was dark. My parents were going out of the house, but I followed the Google cameraman who was there to film for the Video™.
:lol: What was the soundtrack? Nirvana´s In Utero album?
I had a nightmare about spending a night alone in a haunted manor. The owner of the manor had died in a boat accident when he entered a narrow channel next to a big ferry. The channel was just wide enough to fit the ferry and his boat got crushed. Unable to sleep, I was hallucinating and seeing all kinds of ghosts there. One of them was a faceless woman dressed in red who was referred to as 'the Death'. I was planning to lock myself in a room to be safe but it was hard to move.
Afterwards, I had a more pleasant dream. I bought a pair of Madshus skis and went cross-country skiing in another town. The skis looked pretty and the snowy forest was beautiful. I have a snowy forest/skiing dream at least once a year and they tend to feel mysterious and pleasant. Except for one scene where a 2m+ goliath asked me for money in front of a store. I told him I didn't have any cash on me.
Last night I dreamt I was at work doing a job which was recognisably the one I really do but in a building I didn't recognise. In the middle of the floor was an enclosed "island", similar to the enclosures you sometimes see around the tables in pavement cafes but raised up slightly. And in this enclosure, all by themselves and doing and saying absolutely nothing, sat Bruce and Janick. I went over to say hello to them and they received this with neither pleasure nor annoyance, but volunteered that I didn't need to stand "all the way over there". I explained that I was "social distancing" in order to protect them, which explanation they accepted. Later Janick came to find me at my desk and insisted I take a break from work and spend some time outside the building (he wasn't pushy exactly, but he wasn't taking no for an answer either). Once outside I found myself in the company of an old schoolfriend who I hadn't really seen since she fell out with me circa 1984, and we were debating whether or not to go into a particular shop. It was cold.
Eerie dream about moving to a house in the woods with my brother and mother. The house was in poor condition so we repainted walls and tried to give the place a new appearance. There was a cube-shaped room in the house.
I was sitting at the computer one day, and saw guys in military uniform from the window. I figured they were on one of their regular forest journeys and our land happened to be on the way. I went outside and saw that my bicycle was still there on the ground, the army hadn’t taken it. It was a sunny summer day (maybe not summer but definitely warm) and our house was right next to the coast. My mother was sitting, listening to music in the sun and I went to her. The music was instrumental, somewhat strange but intriguing. I looked at the CD case but the cover book was missing. I looked the album up online and found the cover - a purplish blue portrait of a bald man wearing glasses. My mother was startled when she saw the image, even though it looked regular to me. I looked the artist up online and found that it’s a guy with no eyes, just empty eye sockets, hence the glasses. Images of him were eerie, some of them resembled mugshots, some were out-of-focus blurs, in one picture he was sticking fingers in his empty eye sockets.
One night, my brother went into the cube-shaped room and the new paint was coming off the walls in large patches, as if it was tearing itself off. I couldn’t help but feel that the bald man had something to do with this. Then the dream ended.
External wall = on the other side of the wall is the outside of the building. Internal wall = on the other side of the wall is another room inside the property. A third option is parti-wall (which is found in semi-dets, terraces or flats) where on the other side of the wall is a room in an adjoining property, but I'm guessing that doesn't apply here.

If the room had no external walls then its existence would be more or less undetectable from outside the building: that's the significance ...
I dropped down onto lower ground and almost fell on top of a guy, to whom I apologised with «Извините» (must have been a Russian community). I went into my room and a beautiful girl in a white dress soon entered, followed by 2-3 douchebags who wanted to take her away from me. I tried to fight them off but couldn’t - I just didn’t have the physical strength. A heavier guy pinned me to the wall and I couldn’t move. A very straightforward dream, which reveals an ugly truth: I might not be able to protect those who are dear to me.