Can this still be real or just some crazy dream?

I was a Spartan preparing for battle. I fully expected to die and took great care to leave my family with three neatly sorted piles of library books I had borrowed with written instructions which library to return them to.

I'm such a nerd. :facepalm:

Sounds like something I could've dreamed as well, except for the setting, which would more likely be a fighter aircraft ...
In a snowy monastery (which was undoubtedly the CS:GO map) there's some weird light blue substance spawning from time to time. It looks like a bunch of gooey light blue gooey balls, floating, with a mechanical touch. It is called "SUPERUNKNOWN".

After some time, it causes everybody to be painted either blue or light blue. The blue people survive, while the light blue are no more, and their bodies kind of act like robotic dolls, still appearing conscious but not really. Let's just say if you don't know what the SUPERUNKNOWN actually does, you'd think they're alive. But everyone here knows what the paint means.
I don't know this information yet.

I hide away from the Gestapo, the magic Gestapo. I hide on that roof people always camp on. The magic Gestapo is walking on the snow. There's someone running away from them.

The SUPERUNKNOWN blasts, everyone except 4 people has dirty blue paint on their clothes. These 4 have light blue, the effects take place. One of them was on the tower. I don't remember the rest.

Cut forward...

Now I'm below the opposite tower. I meet a person, and I guess it is here where I get explained what the SUPERUNKNOWN does. We see the SUPERUNKNOWN as I walk with him, and as we reach some corner suddenly the paint comes. He has blue, I have light blue. I ask him again about the colours, and he confirms it - blue stay alive, light blue become unconscious dolls. I die.

Around here I felt my brain bargaining with itself on what to do now.
It marked those events as the first book in the SUPERUNKNOWN world. I, in the dream, went to take the book in some space I don't recall. I tried looking for the synopsis of the plot in the back, but all I found was information, like author etc.

I now compare the book with another one. They both have the same thickness and old-yellow pages, but the other book has about 50 pages. I check SUPERUNKNOWN and there are like 325 pages.
I conclude the other book has thicker pages. I also think how could SUPERUNKNOWN have so many pages with how little plot it has.

A second book opens. We're back in Monastery, I'm still dead. But I am now an invisible, spectating ghost. On the one hand fitting for my state inside the dream, on the other hand, just your typical dream 3rd person observation point.

R2D2s ghost, appearing to me as a transparent light blue R2D2, is on the logs near where I saw the SUPERUNKNOWN, consistent with the CS:GO map. I look at it for an extended amount of time from the tower below which was my death. There's a purple "glue" constantly appearing and reappearing below R2s ghost. Whenever it's there, R2 thrusts upwards, like he wants to avoid it. When it's gone, he returns to the ground, not moving.

I am pretty sure this part was my mind trying to decide how the ghosts actually behave. Something there decided on R2's behaviour. So from now on, dead people have automatic responses, like in a video game where a character has some limited number of built-in movements.

Here it's a 5v5 between human military agents, native to the actual map, and some other characters. They include Deathwing and Bowser, but they weren't all villains, this I remember. I'm inclined to think Yoshi was in there too but I don't remember.
Because I don't remember the other characters, I'll cut forward to the 2v2.

Bowser is in the second floor of one of the houses, asking "how many are there? (Talking about his mates) 3? 4? I guess only one..." He now went out to fight, and as he got out, he got hit by some wire that wrapped around him and launched straight into the tower. He mourned about how he's "hostage to death", as if I was afraid using "slave to the power of death" was copyrighted and I couldn't use it in a dream. He said it because he died a regular death, it will be relevant at the end.

The man who killed Bowser celebrated for he killed the devil, and in the most obscene part of any dream I've ever had, took an axe and straight up mauled his corpse. Bits of Bowser's body and blood flew everywhere. I really didn't want to see. His spine was exposed.

On the other tower, Deathwing was sitting on the porch, shooting spiky balls at the man below him. I thought at the time how Deathwingy it is. The man asked his friend (the ones that just killed Bowser) for help. He tries to run away.

This is the last thing I remember before my mind decided to create an ending scene, I don't know where I was hurrying to but ok.

In the night sky, two celestial figures appeared, a smaller green one and a bigger purple one. I recognized them as being Gaia and Uranus, the Greek gods, and they began to disappear, sacrificing themselves to restore everyone's (except Bowser who died a normal death) life. I wasn't sure if they cured the SUPERUNKNOWN, and then I opened my eyes.

Oh, and i realized I was lying to myself. That "Deathwingy" spiky ball was actually the attack of Roadhog from Overwatch. Same company, I guess...
It's not like it's daily, most nights are just normal short ones or I don't remember any. These grand dreams are maybe a bi-monthly thing (and usually smaller than this one).
Same, although most of my 'grand dreams' always have something from video games, and always seem to take place in some sort of mysterious hotel.
Is this the weirdest dream you've ever told us about?!!?

With all the weird stuff I’ve told you? Nah...but you reminded me about a dream I had way back in October 2019 that I have yet to post.

I’ve had some monster dreams over the years that circle around a specific demon or dark entity and this was one of them. The monster was called the Ex of Shadows and was connected to a strange found-footage snuff film that released an Ancient Egyptian curse upon the viewer. The footage depicted a chamber where people were tortured, forced to strip their clothes etc. It looked like a home video from a murderer’s basement and the antagonist was a man wearing a gas mask, possibly the Ex of Shadows. The footage was grainy VHS quality.
Cut away from the video - an image of Tallinn city centre at night. I’m trying to unravel the meaning of “shadow” in this context. My conclusion is that it’s an energy where evil resides.
Then, I’m at a slumber party of young Russian women. They are almost naked, having a pillow fight and I’m walking between them with a camera and filming. (It didn’t occur to me before but this sounds like a prologue to the Ex of Shadows film.)
Then I’m in suburban Tallinn, it’s evening (or early morning?) and I’m walking home with a dog. “The dog is skinny and won’t be able to protect me from danger,” I think. The dog says: “Let’s go eat and drink.” We turn around and move away from home, run even. There is no one else on the streets. Tension is rising and so is my fear of an approaching shadow. I’m expecting to meet the Witch, who is another incarnation of the shadow I guess. The Witch never shows.
I wake up in a garden with a group of guys. We’re all hungover or in a dizzy state and one guy carries me to the backyard to drink water. I know that guy in real life and he’s being unusually quiet so I ask: “Why so quiet?” I turn to look at him and his eyes are fully teal-coloured. He has turned into a demon. Through my sleep I say “escape”, it doesn’t work so I struggle and eventually wake up.

A monster nightmare indeed, not the most disturbing one I’ve had but certainly more detailed than usual.
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Last night I dreamed that I was in a completely bare, unfurnished room and the only other person in the room was Ritchie Blackmore (it was not clear why we were there or whether it was possible to leave). And he was getting more and more irritated because I kept saying "Ian Gillan said this" or "Ian Gillan said that" etc. Eventually he sort of pinned me against a wall and, with evident restraint in his voice, said something like "you're going to have to stop this or we're not going to be friends". Oh dear, I think I must have really upset him ... :oops:
Two women were in an elevator. One got dizzy and starter to speak nonsense, until she collapsed. The other woman panicked, and when the elevator stopped, she screamed for help in the hallway, which was dark and empty, with no help to be found.

I got the opportunity to participate in a porno but when the time came, I became disgusted with the prospect of being in a porn movie, so I told one of the women that I’d much rather have sex with her in private, to which she replied something like: “You wish. Go buy a Pornhub account.”
My girlfriend woke me up punching me in the shoulder. Obviously startled I just said, "Ow! WTF? What got into you?" "NOTHING!" um... ok, so I went back to sleep. In the morning I asked her again and she said, "I dreamt you cheated on me." "oooh, that classic. You ARE aware it was a dream, as in, not real." "YES! It still hurt." "In that case... I'm sorry for fake cheating on you in your dreams." "Thank you." "Was she hot at least?" "HEY! Don't push it!" "I just want to know if it was worth getting punched." "Dumbass."