Can this still be real or just some crazy dream?

From your experience what type of incidents is the worst ?
For pure fear? Hitting a large truck/vehicle like a semi or a dump truck. You never really forget any incident, but the worst is hitting a family vehicle. You run it over in your head time and time again thinking about what you could've done differently, even though you did everything right. You remember every detail, and even the hardass type of railroader may say it doesn't affect them, it does.
Good to see this thread is alive and well.

I dreamt that some scenes from The Witcher were filmed on my home street.
I dreamt of a sixth installment in the Ice Age series. Manny and the gang had to escape a jungle when armed guys with tanks started to invade. It was quite the thriller and looked cinematic.
Had a rather vivid, and rather unrealistic, dream last night, of a nuclear mushroom cloud over Sofia.
The unrealistic part: no flash to blind me, no shock wave, no seismic effect, no sound even, come to think of it.
The vivid part: TV tower on Vitosha, the mountain to the south of Sofia, crumbling majestically; me telling my wife who was next to me in my dream, well it was a good life, thank you, love you, goodbye.
The unrealistic and vivid part: Vitosha mountain falling apart, with dark red lava veins all over its slope.

Funny what a sloppy journal editor can do to you really.
Do you feel this way even in real life? If you knew you will die in the next 2 minutes you will be totally fine with that ?
I don't know honestly, and I'm not too eager to find out.
But I suppose 2 minutes would somehow be easier to cope with than, say, 2 hours.
I don't know honestly, and I'm not too eager to find out.
But I suppose 2 minutes would somehow be easier to cope with than, say, 2 hours.
Having only 2 Minutes will allow you to skip to the part where you understand that life down here is just a strange illusion without all the previous stuff. So I guess you're right, 2 minutes is better that two 2 hours.
Saw something about a house of horrors with a feeling of impending doom. There were lots of people in this house and I was taking photos of them with an analogue camera. The place looked like a film set so the photos turned out well. The housekeeper was a femme fatale kind of character with dark hair and red lips, and there was an old maid as well. Eventually, those two turned out to be very powerful villains and I had to fight them, knowing it was almost impossible to win.
Saw something about a house of horrors with a feeling of impending doom. There were lots of people in this house and I was taking photos of them with an analogue camera. The place looked like a film set so the photos turned out well. The housekeeper was a femme fatale kind of character with dark hair and red lips, and there was an old maid as well. Eventually, those two turned out to be very powerful villains and I had to fight them, knowing it was almost impossible to win.

I could also play the violin fluently.
I'll preface this by saying I firmly believe in past lives.

I'll had a recurring dream all my life that I'm in smoke so black you cannot see anything at all. There are planes flying overhead and I can hear bombs going off close enough to vibrate the ground I'm standing on, and someone is grabbing at my shirt. Then there's nothing but a ringing noise.

And that's it. The entire thing lasts less than 20 seconds. I've been have this dream every so often since my teens.

My conclusion is it's Pearl Harbor. Of course, I have zero proof of this, it's just what I think.
I had a dream where my protege was a young French girl, similar to the relationship of the two main characters in Leon. She was with me basically from birth and we journeyed different places. I remember thinking of her simultaneously as Mathilda (the girl from Leon), Alizee (the singer) and Amelie (from Amelie), all of whom are little dark-haired French women.