Can this still be real or just some crazy dream?

It doesn't work like that. I've read Jung, Freud and Hall and I still have no idea what anybody's dreams mean.
You need one of those cheap books from a discount book store. They can always tell you what a dream means.
I once again dreamed that I was going insane. Heard voices in my head and felt terrible, as if I was in the control of someone or something else.
I dreamed that the people next door had a rabbit that fell from the second floor window to the street and broke its hind legs. Then a second rabbit jumped down and carried it to the door for its owner to pick up. All that happened as I was getting ready for a metal party.
I dreamed that the people next door had a rabbit that fell from the second floor window to the street and broke its hind legs. Then a second rabbit jumped down and carried it to the door for its owner to pick up. All that happened as I was getting ready for a metal party.

Last night I had a dream that I ended up in jail for theft. Dunno what I stole. Either way, I got 2 years. The prison looked more like a beach resort, only with high concrete fence with barbed wire on top. Somehow they let me keep my phone so I logged into Maidenfans to post how I won't be able to host Survivors for 2 years :D After that I concluded that prison isn't so bad, 'cause I'll have a lot of time to read all the books I wanted to read :D
Yesterday, I had the once-every-two-years compulsory technical control of my car and it turns out I have to make some repairs that could be quite costly. Last night I dreamed that thieves had stripped the entire car for everything that could possibly be of any value ... including the wheels.
Yesterday, I had the once-every-two-years compulsory technical control of my car and it turns out I have to make some repairs that could be quite costly. Last night I dreamed that thieves had stripped the entire car for everything that could possibly be of any value ... including the wheels.
I'm not sure which is the nightmare.
The windscreen has to be replaced. Also, some brake tubes are rusted and must either be fixed or replaced - a common problem in coastal Norway because of the long and moist winters and the frequent use of road salt. Since it is an old car I look at repairs that may cost the same as what I could sell the car for if it had passed the control. In other words - if I repair it I can probably get the money back by selling it. Just.
Brake tubes? do you mean brake lines? Do you guys undercoat cars there?

Sorry, I've been learning so much about automotive maintenance these days that I just find it fascinating.