Can this still be real or just some crazy dream?

I used to dream the same dream very often when I was a child. In my dream, I used to sit on a small wooden stool and I jumped off the balcony with it. I knew that if I coughed or sneezed while falling, I would not be hurt. I think I had this dream dozens of times.

I had a recurring dream where I was falling down from our balcony just about every night from the age of 4 to 8. It gave me the fear of balconies as a present as years went by. Whenever I stand up in a balcony, I feel like jumping and being afraid of the circumstances. I really have to force myself not to jump, it's terrible.
Last nights dream is a bit fuzzy now but what I remember of it, it was Game of Thrones related. Sansa Stark and I were trying to escape Kings Landing but instead of it being Kings Landing as it's known in the show and the books, it was my hometown but with tall buildings and a castle. Various other things happened that I can't remember now but it was just all mixed up.
Hmm. I would think I would have remembered those bits.... Not unless I dream decided to block them from my memory when I woke up.
Last night's dream: me and my dad stole something (dunno what) and a professor from my uni was trying to catch us. Finally dad got caught, and I managed to escape to the third floor of a building before the professor caught me and tased me :mad:

For the record, I really hate that professor. Total asshat.
Ok, I've put this off long enough, finally got some time to post something.

I've had A LOT of interesting, very vivid dreams, but one in particular stands head and shoulders above the rest. Five years ago I became involved with a very interesting woman. She had a colorful past and a tendency to come and go as she pleased. I say we dated for 2.5 years, but in all reality she would disappear for weeks or months at a time so it was more like 6 months.

At any rate, One September night she asks me to watch her daughters as she had to go to work. She did not come back until 5 in the morning or so stating her phone had died and she had fallen asleep in her car... LONG story. At any rate she wasn't too pleased with how I had cared for her daughters and disappeared yet again.

On to the dream. On Saturday of Thanksgiving weekend, well over a months since the incident, I took a nap. I had two very vivid dreams, the second being the pertinent one. I dreamt that she called me as though nothing had happened and invited me over to her house. I accept and when I get there I immediately notice the dim, yellow lighting, the high ceiling, spacious living room and white walls. The girls run to me excited and happy to see me. We put them to bed and we start catching up. She tells me of everything she had been up too and then apologizes for the shit she had put me through. Eventually she tells me we should have sex one more time for old time's sake. In the dream I tell her 'no,' because I was already involved with another woman. There the dream ends, but not the story.

I awoke puzzled and didn't think much of it, simply my subconscious really missing her. I had been talking to another girl, but nothing serious, mainly a work crush. The following day, Sunday morning, my phone begins to vibrate and wakes me up. I answer groggily and on the other side of the line... HER! Saying hello and good morning as though nothing had happened! Asks me if I would at some point like to come over to her new house. At that point I was wide awake just from shock. I say yes, then she says, "ok I'll call you later when you are more awake." I was on edge all day, "later" with her could mean the next 5 minutes or in two weeks. That night around 10 she calls me up again stating she was " in the neighborhood" and if she could swing by to pick me up. I debate whether to be picked up or to follow her in my car. Against my better judgement I decide to ride with her. As I climb into her pick up I see her daughters in the back seat and they are excited and happy to see me. We drove for a good hour as she lived in the middle of nowhere outside of town. When we enter her home I froze. It was all there, the dim yellow light, the high ceiling, white walls and spacious living room. "What do you think?" she asks with a playful smile. "Give me a minute, because I am freaking the fuck out right now." She laughs and invites me to the living room as she puts her girls to bed.

We begin to talk and just like in the dream she tells me everything she's been up to, then she apologizes for all the shit she had put me through, we hug and here is where things don't go exactly like in the dream. She whispers in my ear as we embrace, "I love you." I tell her, "I love you too..." I don't tell her of the other girl, but I don't exactly lie either. I tell her, " remember I told you I got in touch with the Jesuits?" "Yes..." "Well, they finally got back to me, I am undergoing the discernment process to become a priest." What she tells me next I will never forget: "That's fine, you and i both know that is what you are meant to be, but I will fuck your brains out until then."

It wouldn't be that night as we merely fell asleep in each other's arms on the couch.
I think I'm never going to forget that either.

If we were in a film, I'd say: "The is are the chosen one!"
My daughter has been taking her first psychology classes this fall, really enjoying them and talking about them a lot.
We are in the car yesterday and my wife starts telling us about a dream she just had:
In her dream, my daughter is behind the wheel of our car and my wife is in a panic knowing the brakes don't work.
"Just let me drive," she is yelling in the dream. "Then everything will be alright."
"So your subconscious is saying you need to take control of her life, or she's headed for disaster?" I say.
My wife stops and stares at me. I turn to my daughter.
"And that is exactly why you NEVER use your new psychology powers on your friends and family."
Even my wife had to laugh.
Last night I saw a nightmare again. It was really creepy, surprisingly, because it doesn't seem that bad thinking back now.
I was in my room, I know it was very late. Everything looked normal: sitting behind the computer, window beside me just like in reality. Suddenly I got very scared and I was conquered by extreme tension. I looked at the window and because it was night-time, the window worked as a mirror, again, just as in reality. In the reflection I saw somebody behind me. Somebody who had my face but a lot more evil and somehow infernal. That scared the shit out of me and I went slightly mad. Started shouting and beating the air with my fists, as if trying to attack the infernal being who wasn't even there any more, only in the reflection. Then I saw a light go on in the room next to mine: my father got home. That was a relief, I wasn't scared anymore. Soon he went away again but I was relaxed and slowly fell asleep on my bed, waking up in reality.
There were flashes and "clips" of another dream running at the same time too but I don't remember a thing about that one.
Last night I dreamed I was involved in an experiment to "model" an explosion in some building or other using a model in a lab, only everyone got the idea that I was trying to blow up the real building and they kept sneaking around after me and stealing my candles.
I've had a couple of dreams recently about the house shaking violently. But that could be the guy upstairs pacing the room again.

I also remembered a dream I had a little while ago about trying to land a horse on the USS Nimitz. The horse wanted to fly off and I was worried about the arresting cable breaking its back legs.
Last night I dreamt that my dad's wife cut her hair really short and dyed it into colors of the German flag and my dad was trying to convince me that it was a Belgian flag O.o
Just had a dream that I was on a large, combat-ready yacht (that also happened to be a skyscraper) and I was doing battle with Cthulhu. Probably inspired by the last Dresden Files book I read and my endless Lovecraft studies. It was pretty damn epic.

Also, if to dream of Cthulhu is to know madness, I have stepped into Lovecraft's world.