Can this still be real or just some crazy dream?

I had a nightmare last night that there was a giant spider on my ceiling. It seemed real as I stared at it for a moment or two and I screamed "Oh My God" before turning on the lights and seeing nothing there. Giant spiders are not unrealistic here. I saw one climbing on the wall of a stairwell one time last term and one of my friends, also a foreign teacher told me about two years ago when I last saw her that there was one in her apartment so she had it fumigated. When she went back, it had survived the fumigation and it dropped down from the ceiling and it tried to attack her.

Fuckin' hell. Did she died?
A classmate of mine, a tall, creepy, socially awkward guy, killed about 5 of my friends with point blank shots to the head. He was about to shoot me too but I barely managed to turn away the gun. For the remainder of the dream, my heart was beating extremely fast and irregularly. I was glad to wake up and discover I wasn't having a heart attack.
Anyone here ever have a dream where you cannot move or speak and you have a ringing in your ear, sometimes you hear the sound of one of those old chord phones left off the hook and you have a sense of danger and sometimes there might be a shadowy figure in the same room? Its only been happening since I was about two years old, or at least as far back as I remember and it only happened again last night. Its limbo, I know but in some Asian cultures they say its a spirit sitting on our chest.
I read an article about it not too long ago. I used to happen to me a lot more when I was much longer and it doesn't happen as frequently now but I still hate it.
My son recently had two dreams featuring Dave Murray.

While a woman was looking for a pen to get Dave Murray's autograph, he stole her wallet.

When he was fifteen years old, Dave tried to join a female football team, trying to get a girlfriend this way.
I found that dumb. In fact I find Dave Murray dumb in general.

Note: this last part was also in the dream, so that was not me commenting on the dream or Murray.
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I've been having very weird vivid dreams lately. But the last night's one was just something else.

As some of you may know, I'm a big fan of the band Gojira. In this dream I went to see them. It was weird already, because they played in a tent in my neighbourhood, but that's not the point. I saw the concert and apparently my emotional reaction towards seeing my idols (lol, wouldn't be that emotional in real life) was noticed by the band themselves and Joe Duplantier gave me his guitar.


Mind you, there's no guitar I'd want more, it's perfect to me. So I took it and went back home. I was stressed out - didn't want to look suspicious, because someone could think I stole it and take it away from me... And here's the thing - on my way home I was constantly checking if I'm not dreaming. Oof, thank God I'm not dreaming, it's too real, I thought. I was literally convinced. But that's not all.

I made it home. Took the guitar to my room and went for my grandparents to show it (no idea why them, that's pretty random). Here's when it gets nuts. I come back to my room with them, and instead of the guitar I showed them... a tap. A sink appeard in my room out of nowhere and I seemed to value the tap as much as the guitar (which wasn't there anymore - like it transformed). I didn't notice the differece. I even presented how nicely the water flows. And then I asked my grandma to pinch me just to make sure this wonder is not a dream - and it didn't wake me. I woke up just a few moments later.

I felt cheated, ridiculed and straight up trolled. :p You're a dick, Sandman.
It began in some foreign city, I'm pretty sure it was Istanbul, in a claustrophobic setting with two other guys. Gregor Clegane, the Mountain from Game of Thrones started chasing after us (in his human form, not mutated) and mid-chase stated that he would only come after one of us. We all took different turns and he followed me. It was scary.
Last nights was very weird..

Someone on this forum confessed to killing Kurt Cobain.. They were then tried and hung. I can't really remember who did it though, but I think it maybe have been @Stardust lol. I may be wrong. But anyways, yeah that was weird. That's what I get for staying up late watching Montage of Heck. :p

Why did you do it Stardust?!?!!??