Bruce Dickinson

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It was easy spot there in the front, that while Bruce sat in between moments when he didn't have to sing, on the side of Mistheria.
I noticed he used plenty of tissues and other stuff..I was worried but it didn't at all affect his singing. It must have been difficult weeks lately..
Wasn´t there a rumour, within this very site some time ago. that there was a vote between Death of the Celts & The Parchment for The Future Past Tour 2023, and it went a 3-3 tie between Steve, Bruce & Janick vs Dave, Adrian & Nicko. And on draw obviously its Steve´s vote that counts.
It was Nicko who said that somewhere. I think it was on the FC magazine.
People here didn't catch this. Things are not well between Bruce, the house band of hell and Roy Z. Check this out:

He took it out a few hours after posting (this was on May 21st) and today, he called them '@putos' about releasing 'Resurrection Men' single, saying he composed, produced and played guitars and bass'. That's really sad and weird, the way it turned out.


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I don't speak Spanish or Portuguese either, hence the Google translation :p

Thanks for the info, though! Roy seems to be having a bad time at the moment.
No prob, man. I have a friend who has close contact with people from Maiden/Bruce camp (including roadies and Steve's sister) and I asked him if he has any info on this situation.
Of course there was a falling-out between Bruce and Roy. I said that from the beginning even if some fans didn't want to believe it.

There is even more I could tell not because I have insider information but because of my wisdom :D. But I don't want to be slammed for gossiping. Maybe we will come back to it later.

But Bruce and Roy must have found an agreement so Bruce can use the ideas that were also written by Roy for the next album. And that is important.
By the way,why didn't this interviewer ask why The Parchment can't be played. Maybe Bruce would have dropped a little hint at least, so we had an idea at least.
The problem is that Roy does this often. He did this long before Mandrake Project was finished and yet was still able to be on the album. Saying there's a "falling out" or that things aren't well between the parties implies more of a back and forth but it is always a one sided situation of Roy Z moaning on social media. I'm assuming the cause of these online drunken rants is also the cause of Roy Z not being on the tour. I also don't think it's going to lead to Bruce cutting ties with him as a co-writer/studio musician because I don't think this is anything new.