Bruce Dickinson

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isn't he US citizen? why would he have immigration issues?
I think the reactions have a lot to do with how it all went down, so unprofessionally.
The fans already had a firm idea of what the band would look like from the photos and the announcement of the line-up and bought tickets afterwards.
Then this happens completely unexpectedly and is communicated in very unclear terms.

I think if from the beginning Bruce had explained that Roy was "only" his songwriting partner and producer, but not coming on tour, some people would have thought it was a pity but I don't think it would have been a big deal.

I belive there are many excellent guitarists who can play the material live very well and 2 of them, great,
but I don't know these two. I don't know why they were chosen. Do they have to live around the corner from Bruce?

On Philip Naslund's instagram, he thanks Austin (Bruce's son). So I think there is a connection there.

Chris Declercq is Roy's friend and plays the lead guitar on Rain on the Graves. And he did work with people like Blaze, Paul Di'Anno, Lemmy in the past.
Man, how Bruce handeled this! He really started a rumour machine!:lol:

Maybe I misunderstood it but didn't someone a few pages ago ask Leana Dolci a question on Instagram and she replied? So, can please someone with an Instagram account ask her why Roy Z is on the blacklist of European immigration offices?
Thanks alot and I am really looking forward to the anser to the mystery! :bigsmile:
isn't he US citizen? why would he have immigration issues?

On Philip Naslund's instagram, he thanks Austin (Bruce's son). So I think there is a connection there.

Chris Declercq is Roy's friend and plays the lead guitar on Rain on the Graves. And he did work with people like Blaze, Paul Di'Anno, Lemmy in the past.
Wow!! That’s new. His style is very similar to that of Roy. The end especially sounded so much like what Roy would play.
Wait, isn't Roy the solo producer and everything of the album? Bruce has always spoken highly of him not only as a guitarist and songwriter, but also as a producer. He wants only him to produce his albums, he always said that.
This time, it's Brendan Duffey who mixed and mastered the new album. ;)

Might have missed it then. Cause translating 25k word review is no easy task
It's somewhere there. ;)

"A contrario, Many Doors To Hell, qui aborde l’avis d’une vampiresse qui désire en finir avec l’éternité, semble en être l’antithèse si l’on considère cet orgue Hammond millésimé, ce mouvement festif, la prestation de DICKINSON qui rejoint celle de Afterglow Of Ragnarok dont elle est le pendant dans la continuité. Là encore, Bruce rayonne vocalement. L’impression d’entendre Burn de DEEP PURPLE ou Ride The Storm du HUGHES TURNER PROJECT est très prégnante, la célérité en moins. Nous savions Bruce grand fan du Pourpre Profond, ici il le prouve ostensiblement, avec ce maillage d’accords à la Jon LORD qui ferait pâlir de honte les interprètes de Smoke On The Water, tout en se réappropriant le poinçon de ses aînés avec sa touche exclusive. Le fantôme de Child In Time, pour ne citer que lui, plane sur Sonata (Immortal Beloved) de par son aspect ascensionnel et les soli de grattes façon Ritchie BLACKMORE. Many Doors To Hell autorise cette comparaison avec Living Wreck, Space Truckin’, voire Comin’ Home. Cette seconde piste apporte une aura 70’s absolument séduisante, comme l’avait fait River Of No Return sur Tyranny Of Souls. Une superposition des deux étant que plus que la Mort elle-même, c’est l’Enfer qui est la fin des haricots, puisque si la Grande Faucheuse libère, le Diable embastille. La suceuse de sang (ou bien Necropolis, qui pourrait aussi et surtout être le sujet de cette fable musicale ?), n’étant qu’une humaine malgré sa difformité dentaire, sa souffrance est telle qu’elle se projette dans la peau de Jésus au travers d’une rhétorique religieuse manifeste tant dans les couplets (« My blood is thin, my body aches, To lie in Earth is still my fate » […] « I’m telling you now I will come again, With the knowledge from my secret realm, Share my treasure with human kind, Drink of me lose your mind ») que dans le refrain (« When the sun goes down, I wear my thorny crown, I know them oh so well, The many opening doors to Hell »). La buveuse d’hémoglobine (Necropolis idem) se mettant, à tort ou à raison, au même niveau que le Christ rédempteur. Ainsi, elle nous est présentée comme étant la porteuse d’une couronne d’épines, le vin étant son corps, breuvage qui ferait perdre l’esprit, et consciente que nombreux sont les chemins pavés menant au schéol ou au pandémonium. Tout comme le Sauveur nazaréen. Afterglow Of Ragnarok et Rain On The Graves spécifiant qu’il n’en est rien, Akasha (ou Necropolis ?) n’étant qu’une allégorie de Judas Iscariote qui trahit délibérément ses semblables (plus spécifiquement sa propre moitié pour le shaman), tout cela dans le but obscur de prolonger ses jours (pour Necropolis, son intellect) et de gagner en érudition sur les secrets universels. D’où la parabole du contrat méphistophélique à parapher dans Rain On The Graves. Le fruit de la tentation est trop juteux pour ne pas être dégusté de manière persistante et redondante. D’où la rémanence du « destin des puissances » évoqué dans la première cavatine et l’aliénation de l’atma par le Dragon originel."
Here’s a bit of diversion from the Roy Z fiasco:

When the sun goes down
I wear my thorny crown
I know them oh so well
The many opening doors to hell.

Goosies right here mates :)
I'm curious about the vocal melody (of the chorus?) here. I read it with Days Of Future Past's chorus melody.
This time, it's Brendan Duffey who mixed and mastered the new album. ;)

This is an unexpected surprise. I wonder what the reason is. The mixing is not as good as it should have been.
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On Philip Naslund's instagram, he thanks Austin (Bruce's son). So I think there is a connection there.
Chris Declercq is Roy's friend and plays the lead guitar on Rain on the Graves. And he did work with people like Blaze, Paul Di'Anno...
Both are potential Maiden fans, nice. Chris relives Maiden's history.
Wow!! That’s new. His style is very similar to that of Roy. The end especially sounded so much like what Roy would play.
I think the ending of the solo is played by Roy (similar to his very short solo in Ragnarok), so I don't think we can say yet. But he is a friend of him, so he should be talented and he coached him. Roy's style reminds me of Priest's solos. It also has a bit of Adrian/Dave vibe.
I'm curious about the vocal melody (of the chorus?) here. I read it with Days Of Future Past's chorus melody.

This is an unexpected surprise. I wonder what the reason is. The mixing is not as good as it should have been.
1st question : No, it's not Days Of Future Past like. ;)

2nd question : Yes, it's was a stranger in a strange land who mixed and mastered the new Bruce's record. And, it's not so bad. I just lacks of dynamics. ;)