Bruce Dickinson

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Can we have the context for what you're saying, then? I'm not willing to form an opinion on what Bruce said based on "Haven’t read it myself, but apparently Bruce said that the real problem in today‘s politics is a lack of ‚leaders‘, in an interview for a German magazine. " What magazine? What was the context of his statement? What is the exact wording Bruce used? What was the question he was answering? What else did he say in his answer?
I've a bootleg of Munich on the BNW tour.

Apparently they weren't allowed use their pyro at the gig, so Bruce went on a hate filled rant blaming the "feuer fuhrer"
Nah it's not PC it just bullshit vague statement, in my opinion. It's like saying politicians should be honest and responsible.

Q : What do you think about resolving Syrian crisis?
A : I think everybody should be kind to eachother

No shit Sherlock

Edit : I haven't heard the context but it looks like political tips given by Miss World contenders.
I'm kind of glad I missed the last couple of pages. Nice to hear Bruce's is active, though, always makes me think stuff is going on behind the scenes in the Maiden camp.
I do know Dickinson hates the far right as much as we do, as he’s unambiguously stated several times. That’s not the point. But yeah, that’s the interview @Cain. Do you have it? I could only find an excerpt online.

I don't, sorry. I read it (it is behind a paywall though) and found it interesting and certainly not controversial. I will try and see if I can unlock it again.
Hmm, seems to explain his on-stage behaviour

Welp, it's confirmed. Janick is a white supremacist. What we thought was merely enjoying the music by dancing was actually some sort of elaborate messaging system devised by him to let his fellow men of the cause know he's supporting them 100%.
Welp, it's confirmed. Janick is a white supremacist. What we thought was merely enjoying the music by dancing was actually some sort of elaborate messaging system devised by him to let his fellow men of the cause know he's supporting them 100%.
Nobody "merely enjoys music" this way indeed.