Bruce Dickinson

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However, there is indeed something to argue against Bruce in that regard. It's the fact that, apparently, he hasn't been putting enough effort into singing the lyrics of the songs the way they are (especially those written by Harris). It took 20 shows until he got the lyrics of Hell On Earth right (and he kept fucking up here and there during the 1st leg of TFP). However, I wouldn't go as far as to say that it's intentional. I think it's just Bruce getting old and being a bit lazy. Plus, Bruce's performances last year were very solid, especially on the beginning-middle of the tour (which is where we are now, so it's kinda expected).
I don't remember all the lyrics for this song either, and don't remember all the lyrics for all the songs on 'Senjutsu' and 'Book Of Souls' as well. I don't think it's Bruce being lazy, it's the fact that the way the lyrics are written doesn't allow people to remember exactly each word, each verse of each tracks. I bet you can't remember the totality of these songs as well. ;) On the other hand, I remember each song from the golden era and from Blaze era and early reunion era. :)
about forgetting-mixing lyrics: remember that he refuse to use teleprompter. most (maybe all) big metal bands use prompters (not just for lyrics, details about the show, flame-light effects, what to do etc...)
bruce who believes in being natural is the best, don't do this. and since he criticized halford for using prompter, he can't use now :))
Bruce sounded great on Aquarius and Book Of Thel last night, two of the most difficult songs for him.

Navigate now has an appropriate backgrounds. Love them. @Randalf , I think you will love it too. Purple, gold and blue!

The only songs with nothing on the screen are: the songs in the #3 spot and Tears (!?). While the band is showed on it for Aquarius and Tower.
Bruce has mixed up words on songs since forever. Children of the Damned ans The Evil That Men Do anyone?
And I will pray for you, someday I may return
Don't you cry for me, beyond is where I learn

Uh, sorry, I mean:
And I will pray for her, someday I may return
I will cry for her

Nailed it :D
Bruce has mixed up words on songs since forever. Children of the Damned ans The Evil That Men Do anyone?
I dont think Bruce doesnt remember lyrics correctly… He just change them for some reason and he is singing them this way through the whole tour… Chorus in Hell On Earth he sang differently at every show in 2023… Also he changed FOTD lyrics from "when the light begins to change" to "when the light begins to fade" in 2000 and he's singing it this way ever after… the same goes for TETMD
I dont think Bruce doesnt remember lyrics correctly… He just change them for some reason and he is singing them this way through the whole tour… Chorus in Hell On Earth he sang differently at every show in 2023… Also he changed FOTD lyrics from "when the light begins to change" to "when the light begins to fade" in 2000 and he's singing it this way ever after… the same goes for TETMD
I was going to say this.

I think that Bruce feels that these changes fit songs better. You wrote song and then after release you think that certain part should be changed.
I was going to say this.

I think that Bruce feels that these changes fit songs better. You wrote song and then after release you think that certain part should be changed.
I don't think it's that deep. Either, a) when out in front of an audience with no lyrics to turn you, you sometimes forget a line and need to just quickly sub in something else that makes sense; or b) as you mull over a song in your head a bunch of times, you get used to a line you misremembered and the repetition leads you to essentially viewing that as the actual line. I don't think Bruce is standing there in rehearsals with his pocketbook scribbling out lines and telling Steve he's gonna fix the song or anything. It's just a natural thing that happens.
I don't think it's that deep. Either, a) when out in front of an audience with no lyrics to turn you, you sometimes forget a line and need to just quickly sub in something else that makes sense; or b) as you mull over a song in your head a bunch of times, you get used to a line you misremembered and the repetition leads you to essentially viewing that as the actual line. I don't think Bruce is standing there in rehearsals with his pocketbook scribbling out lines and telling Steve he's gonna fix the song or anything. It's just a natural thing that happens.
Maybe, but I think that he is going with option C:
- Record whatever the hell Steve wants and then sing whatever is easier on you during show, night after night.

I'm not an expert, but when I was in my 20s I was very into poetry and so on. I had more than once situation that something sounded great in writing but when I was reading this out loud I had to change some words so they will feel more natural for me to say them.

Either way - I'm willing to bet that these changes are intentional and not accidental. What is the goal? Who knows.
I think the lyrics change in old stuff like TETMD is intentional.

But Hell On Earth just can't be intentional, because he kept changing it from night to night. It wouldn't make any sense if it was intentional. It's just him forgetting, which is a shame, because the lyrics on HoE are amazing.

He also changed some of Stratego and I'm almost 100% sure that's him being lazy or forgetting.

Instead of
"Eye of the storm is here again
Been there before you were ever born"

He started to sing
"Eye of the storm been there before
Been there before
you were ever born"

I mean... really? Twice "been there before"? He knows it doesn't make sense and he knows it isn't the right lyrics. Honestly, for me it looks like: "fuck it, I tried the correct lyrics and I couldn't remember, so now I just insert been there before and im good".