Someone in the comments asked if it was a new album 2017 and Roy "liked" the comment.
Something might be on the way!
Two minutes longer than the 2005 version (haven't compared both well yet) but here you go. What an awesome chorus.
The drummer in Kill II This at the time was Jeff Singer - and after Bruce rejoined Maiden, he started playing with Blaze. It's a small world..."Bruce gets steadily more drunk as the night progresses until his wife eventually manages to drag him away at the end of the night. “The Guru” looks like he’s feeling decidedly under the weather, Adrian is stuck in the corner surrounded by horded of people, Eddy (or is it Eddie? Can’t remember and I can’t be bothered to look!) is around somewhere, and Dave is hiding out in the corner with the drummer from “Kill2This”."
In a typically unorthodox way, Barry uses his own measuring gauge to determine whether it is a genuine Footes 'C' or not.
Or is he doing a special signing for the pledge ?
Paul and Bruce look on in wonder......
During the making of `Head On` Samson pioneered many unique recording techniques. here we see such an example of those
Heavy moustache use?I read several commentaries accompanying the following picture.
I'm lookin‘ around and I wanna be up theeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere