Out of the Silent Planet
It was cool that they shared the 1 solo of ''Laughing In The Hiding Bush''. The first part of it fits Adrian's style. Very good solo."Laughing In The Hiding Bush" stays pretty faithful:
Roy played the main solo on "Tears Of The Dragon", but Adrian played some flavor parts before the return to the vocals after the solo:
As for ''Tears Of The Dragon'', Adrian is a master of those flavor parts. He also did a great job with ''Tattooed Millionaire'' solo.
I had somehow forgotten that Adrian played ''Shoot All The Clowns'' live. A song Bruce said was added to the album because of the label. I guess Adrian and Roy shared the solos. There is a lot of room for improvisation with them (with the licks in the outro too). Fun stuff.Shoot All the Clowns with Adrian in 1997:
There are also some setlists that say that Adrian played the Riding with the Angels with Bruce, a song Samson covered and Bruce played in 1990:
Bruce Dickinson Setlist at Coney Island High, New York
Get the Bruce Dickinson Setlist of the concert at Coney Island High, New York, NY, USA on October 1, 1997 from the Accident of Birth Tour and other Bruce Dickinson Setlists for free on setlist.fm!www.setlist.fm
I guess Adrian played the solo on Riding With The Angels, if they played it, which would be odd.
I don't think every time the band that plays later in the afternoon has a big or spectacular stage. Bruce had said not too long ago that he would like to use the Marshall amps as a stage (like he did in the 90's) - with one backdrop for the whole show, I guess.Still wondering what slot Bruce is likely to get at Download (assuming he is at Download, that is). A main stage early slot is possible, but that's also a pretty low key slot for someone so well known. I don't think his stage show is going to be big and spectacular enough for anything later afternoon to evening on the main stage.