Has anyone bought this book yet? It seems interesting...
Here's an extract from the book: http://brigitteschon.de.tl/Extract-from-the-book.htm
Little interview with the author: http://www.bookofhours.net/beta/brigitte_jan2016.htm
And Chris Dale also did a little review: http://www.metaltalk.net/columns2015/20150847.php
Yes, I got it for Christmas. I'm on with the chapter about Chemical Wedding at the moment. I can't decide if I like the book, overall. It's an analysis of Bruce's solo songs, and reads almost like an academic text. It's not a leisurely, fun read, although it is informative. Some of the intepretations I was already familiar with, but it did point out things about some of his work that hadn't struck me before.
Oh, and the author couldn't get permission to reproduce the lyrics in full, only refer to them and quote the odd line here and there. Maiden's management apparently said they get so many requests like this, they only look into the ones that come in via members of the band.