Bruce Dickinson

One of the mods on the official forum posted a response to some guy saying "adrian will NOT be on the tour with Bruce"
Well... I guess that's it then.

However, the mods there don't always know everything, so I'd say H most likely won't tour with Bruce.
1. Skunkworks
2. The Chemical Wedding
3. Tyranny Of Souls
4. Accident Of Birth
5. Balls To Picasso
6. Tattooed Millionaire

Skunkworks is my clear favorite, something I didn't expect to happen when diving into his discography after only knowing the metal albums.
TOS and TCW are almost at the same level for me, but both are just a tiny bit better than AOB. Then there's a huge gulf between the first four albums and the last two. BTP's saving grace is Tears Of The Dragon, as well as a couple nice bonus tracks/B-sides. TM has maybe 2 songs that I enjoy, with Darkness Be My Friend being the only on that's actually kinda good (imo of course).
I largely agree with this list.

My personal ranking is (from the best to worst) :

1) Tyranny Of Souls
2) Accident Of Birth
3) The Chemical Wedding
4) Tattooed Millionnaire
5) Balls To Picasso
6) Skunkworks
Don't you guys think that if H would be joining the tour they would've announced it with the album/tour news?

Think there might be a solo or 2 from him on the album if we're lucky, but that's it.
Don't you guys think that if H would be joining the tour they would've announced it with the album/tour news?

Think there might be a solo or 2 from him on the album if we're lucky, but that's it.
Well they haven't announced anything about the lineup, have they? We only know that Tanya is participating, because she posted something online, and that Roy has said at some point that he's looking forward to playing this stuff live, right? (And, that Bruce thinks that the band is... amazing, was it?)
One of the mods on the official forum posted a response to some guy saying "adrian will NOT be on the tour with Bruce"
It definitely makes the tour much less attractive to me.
Well, Bruce will need a 2nd guitarist and I think Adrian is not busy with his solo project now. It depends on him. But it would be odd if he wasn't part of the new album and have to play those songs live (even if he played or wrote a few songs). I wouldn't say less attractive because it's Bruce, but I understand you. Bruce hasn't revealed any album/tour details yet and said that the lineup for the tour is amazing, so we can hope. Although Bruce said in an interview from last year that Adrian likes his current solo project a lot (which is no surprise) and maybe his music is heavier and darker for him now.
TCW cannot be anywhere else on a Bruce Dickinson list than #1.

It's not only a stone cold masterpiece, his crowning achievement and probably in the top ten of 90's metal albums but it's also better than anything Maiden released that decade by a country mile.

The fact that this came out the same year as VXI is stunning given how much of a stark contrast in quality there is between both albums.

I personally believe that TCW was the catalyst that convinced Steve that he needed Bruce and H back.