Bruce Dickinson

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Yeah I can also agree with this. The Maiden vocal melodies aren't bad; awkward at times, but Bruce pulls them off. But even an album like Tyranny of Souls, where Bruce was literally lying on his back in pain as he recorded his lines, has vocal melodies that are 10x more fun to sing than the majority of Iron Maiden's work.
Bruce has a lot of amazing vocal melodies with Maiden, singer-friendly or not. His solo albums goes without saying ofc, and that's to be expected. Best of both worlds really. I can't say that one is better than the other. His voice shines everywhere.
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Bruce has a lot of amazing vocal melodies with Maiden, singer-friendly or not. His solo albums goes without saying ofc, and that's to be expected. Best of both worlds really. I can't say that one is better than the other.
I’m not saying one is better than the other, I’m just saying that on a personal level, when I sing a song from ToS, it’s way more melodic and more fun on my vocal chords. Maiden’s vocal melodies are more of a workout.
? what was up with during that time in 2004/2005? never heard of this before.
I'm pretty sure he mentioned getting injured in an on-stage accident during the Dance of Death tour in his autobiography. Apparently it was quite serious. That was one of the more interesting parts of the book.
He fell down on a slippery stage floor.

Bruce Dickinson: What Does This Button Do?:
"Like most accidents, things go in slow motion until impact. After that it hurts. As I tried to slide to a stop, I went head first towards the drum kit. Make a plan, I thought, protect ribs at all costs – tuck and roll. But I had a bass drum and a set of aluminium steps to fall over before I actually struck the stage itself. I stretched out my left arm, which was not holding the microphone. I would try to bounce off the bass drum then forward-roll onto the stage.... I was supposed to return to LA to finish the vocals on the Tyranny of Souls album. Roy had sent me various backing tracks, and I wrote the lyrics while limping around the streets wearing headphones. I duly arrived back in LA and set up a bed by the side of the microphone in Roy’s home studio. I could manage about five minutes of singing before I had to have a lie down. ..."
Thanks for sharing. Nice one, showing what Bruce can still do, although I find the orchestral arrangement during the guitar solo an absolute distraction and something completely unnecessary.
Tbh, that guitarist ruined the solo. I'm quite glad the orchestra covered it up.
Bruce said in a video (filmed by a fan so I'm not posting it becasue it has personal info) that was shared by a fan page that he played drums for the first time on his new solo album and he can only play bongos(!), and that was very hard. Interesting. Tribal sound?

In addition, Roy replied this to a fan question about the album: ''It’s all happening really. Stay tuned''. :yey:

Looks like there is a VERY good chance the album gets released after Maiden wrap up touring for the year.
Looks like there is a VERY good chance the album gets released after Maiden wrap up touring for the year.
Didn't Bruce say it will be released not this year, but next.

And he has been saying that since 2018 or something. But this time I believe him a bit more.
Didn't Bruce say it will be released not this year, but next.

And he has been saying that since 2018 or something. But this time I believe him a bit more.
Yeah it will either be later this year or early next year. Dont think it will be after the US leg but who knows aha

It's more believable now that Roy Z also keeps dropping hints.
Reports that Bruce can't sing anymore have been greatly exaggerated.
But of course. Though the upcoming Maiden tour will be quite a challenge even for Bruce.
Yeah it will either be later this year or early next year. Dont think it will be after the US leg but who knows aha

It's more believable now that Roy Z also keeps dropping hints.
I'd say this year after Maiden's tour. Bruce said so, and because Roy also keeps dropping hints as you said.
Bruce sounds fantastic on these. Jerusalem is such an amazing song
Agreed on both. ''Jerusalem'' has an amazing vibe (love it), chorus, instrumental section and vocals(!).
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