Do you have the original album or the 2005 reissue?I think I could like Skunkworks musically, but something about the sound of that album just hurts my ears, and I can't listen to it. It's hard to explain; something about the mix is harsh. Just curious if anyone else hears anything like that?
I think Tattooed Millionaire is one of his best. But it’s a whole different thing from the Roy Z albums.I haven't heard Skunkworks and Tattoed Millionaire.
Do you have the original album or the 2005 reissue?
I have the original and don't have problems with the mix or sound of the album.
It would’ve been interesting to see what they would’ve come up with on a second album after touring and becoming tighter as a band.
What about discuss each others rankings?Please let's not turn this thread into a 'my personal rankings' thread. This is a thread for discussion.
I like Skunkworks very much. I also like guitar work Dickson did with him, the band is great and I love their Alive performances and their takes on the Tattooed Millionaire tracks.
The whole album is greatOh and also the song Tower which I actually quite liked - it was featured on a promo cd back in the late 90s to early 00s
I have only been exposed to Tattooed Millionaire at this stage
He’s a great guitar player. Bruce says in his autobiography that he considers him to be one of the most talented musicians he’s ever worked with.Alex Dickson's guitar performance on Skunkworks is, simply put, majestic. Meltdown is probably the best example. Also, there are moments on Alive when the guy plays rhythms and solos simultaneously.
I love Skunkworks, although a part of my love comes from nostalgy (listening to it on repeat while playing Cannon Fodder). The worst songs on the album really aren't that good, but there are a lot of gems there as well. I would even say that Back From the Edge is quite possibly the best Bruce song of all time.
Skunkworks is my favorite solo album from Bruce. I like CW and others but this is unique enough to take #1 for me.I was wondering who else likes the Skunkworks album? It's often overlooked and overshadowed by his "return to metal" albums Accident Of Birth and The Chemical Wedding but I think the alternative sound of Skunkworks fit Bruce's voice of that period very well. Especially in songs like Inside The Machine or The Smashing Pumpkins-sounding Octavia.
Listened to the album a few days ago, if only Bruce would make an album like this again.Skunkworks is my favorite solo album from Bruce. I like CW and others but this is unique enough to take #1 for me.