The main ideas related to Music in the interview :
- Bruce states that Iron Maiden is a very important part in his life, because he has spent 50% of his life with maiden, but in the other 50% he did plenty of other things.
-When Bruce left maiden in 1993 he didn't have any ideas of what he was gonna do next, he just wanted to start another life from zero. When he left he felt that the media started to ignore him and fans started to hate him. He didn't get all the support he wanted from Rod because Rod's prioriry was Maiden.
-Bruce didn't like the production of Balls to Picasso, he thinks that it would have sounded better if the producer was Roy.
-Bruce thinks that Skunkwork is very good and he likes it a lot, but it is incomplete because it is dark, as if it represents only the dark side of Bruce.
-The song Inertia is related to what he saw in Sarajevo, but I didn't understand that part enough to translate it.
-Bruce thinks that the shows they did in World Slavery Tour were very good for 1984/1885, but they got outclassed by the show of BNW tour in 2000/2001. But The Legacy Of The Beast shows were the best. The new sound guy is good, and the production is good , Bruce, Rod and Steve worked on it for almost one year.
Edit : I will add that he thinks that it was good choice to stop the tour in august because they were all tired, the shows that they do are very demanding. He also says that the flamethrower is cool and everybody should try it at least once. He says that the LOTB should have started with Religion, then War, then Hell, because religion leads to war, and war to hell, but he doesn't complain a lot because the show starts with the spitfire and he likes planes.