I don't rule out that this sounds like a "press"-statement sent to organizations to promote one of their speakers, namely Bruce.
E.g., I also found this in a conference program:
10.00 – 11.00
The art of performing on different stages
Bruce Dickinson
Still an active member of Iron Maiden, one of the most successful rock bands of all time having sold over 85 million albums
worldwide, Bruce’s other passion is flying and he holds a commercial airline pilot’s licence. His evident entrepreneurial spirit has
also seen him obtain government funding to create an aircraft maintenance company creating 1,500 jobs in Wa
les and he is also involved in an airship venture to manufacture drones which have both a military and a commercial application.
In his presentation, Bruce will provide a fascinating insight into:
• How to thrive in the ultimate change management environment: one day selling out 50,000 seater arenas, the next day
negotiating complex leasing agreements with aircraft providers
• The need to be agile and flexible in business planning with an ability to seize an unexpected opportunity
• The ups and downs of business and the sometimes hard lessons that have been learnt
Finally, Bruce will offer us a glimpse into the potential future of air travel and the opportunities that it may present us
11.00 – 11.30
Coffee Break
keynote speaker
Bruce Dickinson is the lead singer of Iron Maiden, a commercial pilot,
business angel, entrepreneur and creative business thinker. Bruce was a
pilot and marketing director for Astraeus Airlines which recently went into
administration. In addition Bruce has government funding to create an
aircraft maintenance company creating 1,500 jobs in Wales.
Bruce is involved in an airship venture to manufacture ‘lighter than air’
drones with a contract to supply the US Army. He is also setting up a
separate training company (Real World Aviation) to train future pilots.
Bruce left Iron Maiden in 1993 in order to pursue a solo career, his
passion for fencing and an interest in becoming a pilot. Bruce re-joined
the band in 1999 and has gone on to release four albums; despite this he
hasn't stopped flying Boeing 757s.