Bruce Dickinson: Rock ‘n’ Roll Warmonger

I read about the 'lighter than air' drones thing quite a while back, so I assumed it had already been discussed on here.
The Celebrity Speakers website suggests it's transport aircraft he's involved with.
It's also here.

Bruce Dickinson, Keynote Speaker

Bruce Dickinson is a commercial pilot, business angel, entrepreneur and creative business thinker. Bruce is creating an aircraft maintenance company, involved in an air ship venture to manufacture lighter than air drones and developing a flight training company.

“If life throws you lemons, make lemonade.” Bruce Dickinson encouraged those who attended the IFS World Conference to see the positives whenever change and disruption occur. Citing the music sector as an example, he said the widespread fear that the Internet would mean the destruction of the industry just wasn’t true. On the contrary, the music being produced today is of the highest quality and “more popular than ever.” You just have to find new approaches, new ways to make money. And the key is keeping your fans happy. Give them what they want and they’ll keep coming back for more.

Behind all innovation, underpinning words like ‘efficiency’ and ‘streamlining’ is the quest for time. Time to spend doing what we want and not what we have to, whether it’s in the private sphere or in business. That’s how Bruce looks at areas that he’s familiar with, like air travel, but also at the IT industry. The customer perspective is essential. Before we ask ‘Does it work’, we need to ask ‘Will it make life easier for my customers.”

So the question is, do businesses see their customers as fans and treat them accordingly? If they don’t, once-loyal ‘fans’ may turn elsewhere to get what they want. Bruce claims that our primary task is to sell relationships, not products. Anyone can—and someone eventually will—better the quality and/or price of your products. But no one can mimic your relationship with your customer.

So, are your customers your fans? Are you making their day? Bruce thinks you should be able to say ‘Yes’ to both questions.

Bruce Dickinson
  • Lead singer in Iron Maiden
  • Entrepreneur
  • Commercial pilot
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and here:

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All these sites are wrong.
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I think "I hear drones cause a great many civilian fatalities, although this isn't there intended use, therefore they should be used with extreme caution. I'd be concerned if someone I respected was involved in making them" would be closer.

I would say that is completely ignoring all the benefits of drones and to a degree arguing if a target is better killed by a drone or a plane with a person in it .. which is about the same as arguing if it is better to be killed by a bomb dropped from a plane, a missile launched from ship, a missile launched from a silo, a hand grenade thrown by a person, a rocket launched from a shoulder weapon, or a drone ... it is a piece of technology that is used for peaceful and beneficial purposes and is also used as a military weapon as one of many weapons available

3 sites quoting from the same source is the same as one source ... If a US military contract was offered to a British (or American for that matter) company, it is public record and could easily be found. But outside of people quoting a South African speakers site, no other source says this is true. I am not sure what you are not getting about wanting to see a source that is reputable for something that would be really easy to find out
I didn't say they had no benefits --I just said this would be closer. My language his hardly reactionary: I clearly say concerned. This, also, isn't my opinion; just an attempt to frame the issue. You also seem to be banging on about ways of killing people as if I should draw some massive distinction between these. I don't really understand the point made. Again, this aside (a slightly different conversation, to be had elsewhere than Maiden Chat I think...), your analysis of this dubious source are spot on i.e. there's only one & it's probably spurious.
That was not really directed at you ... but the fact that a drone is a piece of machinery ... nothing more, nothing less.

I also find it interesting that if you look on the Cardiff Aviation website, there is zero mention of drones. Any company, especially a start up, would be announcing a $500 Million Contract big time, especially when their site makes a big deal of a 5 Million Pound internal investment.

The whole thing makes zero sense.
To be fair, I don't see any mention of a US military connection.
[> in response to Forostar]
Indeed. Some sites do, some don't. But if it weren't true, would Bruce not be bothered about nonsense told about him? This business is serious for him, isn't it?

3 sites quoting from the same source is the same as one source ... If a US military contract was offered to a British (or American for that matter) company, it is public record and could easily be found.
I thought Manning was into prison. ;-)

Seriously, it is easy to be found, but I wonder when would it for you be more reasonable to believe this? Who should say this? On which site should it be on to get some eyebrows raised? Is this CNN news worthy?
That is the thing, it is not easy to be found. If it were true, it would be in business papers at a minimum. Google US government (or military) contract and you see tons of entries of all kinds of companies small and large all over the place. But no Cardiff Aviation ... because it is 99% certain that no such contact exists.
I highly question an article that says this

"While many might find it disgusting that Dickinson could be a supporter of a party engaged in a deliberate and conscious campaign to impoverish a large segment of his band’s traditionally working-class base, he’s as entitled as anyone else to support whomsoever he wishes. "

That's exactly what made me stop and say, how reliable is this?
The problem, in my opinion, is this guy, and this type of journalism, encourages people to jump to conclusions at the mere possibility of hypocrisy (using lyrics from a 29 year old song). Somehow I doubt this fella would expose a politician of his own political views using drones every day, he would probably even defend it. I am guessing he was against US use of drones until, oh, say 2009....and from then on found ways to excuse it when he saw that it was still going on despite the promised "change". Dickinson-a famous guy AND a famous guy with a pro-business (and possibly non-liberal!) point of view possibly manufacturing drones? He doesn't need much proof at all to run with that....and slander his character as well. How many out there will read this story, accept it as fact, look into it no further, and characterize Bruce exactly as the story does? MANY. Anyway, this could be avoided by thoroughly researching the story before writing it OR stating in the story that it is unconfirmed or that he doesn't know for sure. That would be journalistic integrity, however, something in short supply nowadays.....
The problem with any news on the internet is that it needs to have a preponderance of evidence in order to be true, or to cite a trusted source. We don't have the latter, so we must search the former. As bearfan has pointed out there is no evidence of this contract. half a billion dollars would be in a reliable news source, I'm sorry.
One more thing about that guy; he was was not the source. However dumb his story is, he quoted from something else. If we want to research this story, then that's the thing that should especially be questioned, and other sites, as we've been doing.
The problem is he took a blurb on one non news source and extrapolated an entire article around it without doing any additional research on his own. Or worse, perhaps he did additional research found nothing and wrote the story anyway. It is horrible journalism or I should say "journalism" and one of the things we need to be aware of in societies that allow for free speech in the internet age.