Bruce Dickinson on BBC Radio 4 "Any Questions" (2nd November)

It's genuinely not that interesting. He's conservative & anti-Europe (in a political sense.)
Actually, it was only this year that I found out he was so conservative. To be honest, I felt a bit disappointed.
I mean, he still is a great singer and all that and naturally he is entitled to his own ideas, but somehow his views don't really fit the image I had shaped of him all these years.
Lol I found strange also that he was so conservative... He even was a member of the Conservative Party when he was in university I think.
I actually have lost almost a half of my respect for Bruce after his comments on conservatism and stuff. He's still my favorite singer and one of my favorite lyricists of all time but no longer a favorite music person of mine.
Yes, because 30 years of great music means nothing when you have a controversial political opinion.

I can't stand when people base their respect of a musician on a political stance, especially when it isn't something the musician makes a huge deal about.
Lol I don't find it so bad to have a controversial view with my own views... If that was the case I wouldn't listen to Megadeth lol. Only if I don't find the lyrics bearable to my views but that doesn't happen so often.
Yes, because 30 years of great music means nothing when you have a controversial political opinion.
Flash talked about viewing a person. There is a person behind the one that makes music. When someone makes some of your most important music that can mean a lot.
I can't stand
Can't stand? Now, isn't that a little exaggerated? This is just an on-topic discussion.
when people base their respect of a musician on a political stance, especially when it isn't something the musician makes a huge deal about.
That depends on what one defines as a huge deal and naturally that differs per person.
I think he certainly makes a bigger deal about it than ever before. He came out, so to speak, and naturally that has something to do with being a business man himself now. His good right. But I may not like everything he says.
I am not blinded by the fact that I like Bruce's songs.

So, basically, to me, recently he comes across as a lesser social person than I had ever imagined. So, yes I can understand what Flash says.

It all depends on what we find important in life. And we all can differ in that to a certain extent.

Bruce's music has meant a lot to me so I can't imagine that will change soon. And he hasn't been as controversial as Mustaine or Schaffer. Not at all.

He still has become a bit less believable to me when I think back of the past. E.g. if he's so anti-Europe then I'll take his Blood Brothers speech -talking about all these different nationalities and flags- with a grain of salt. Certainly, a concert hall where many people of different nationalities and religions are gathering, this would all be less easy if there was no European Union wouldn't it? "You are all welcome at our concerts, but for the rest ....".

That said, I have no clue what Bruce said this time. Perhaps I first should hear in what regard he is anti-Europe exactly before I shoot my mouth of. If anyone remembers what he said, or if anyone can drop a link, thanks in advance.

Aha, just heard some of it. He sees the EU as a spending machine and as a Germany controlled union. The typical skeptic story. I can't deny the latter but the first is such a one sided view. Much more is going on.

edit 2:
Very interesting discussion (I meant the broadcast, but this also). Interesting topics. Sorry, I like politics. ;-)
What I learn here about Bruce political opinions is a huge surprise to me ;) . I wouldn't have thought he was so conservative : much of what he says points to the other direction I think (wrongly). I remember reading an interview with NME back in '82, and Steve sounded like the conservative narrow-minded guy (I think he was at the time, but his opinions have clearly changed on a huge number of subjects), and Bruce the most tolerant and openminded one.
Yes, some people won't even bother, but others will. Some (I comprised) cannot just limit their interest to the music and want to know more. And some things make sense. While talking about an artist, one cannot separe his art from his opinions on broader subjects. That said, I respect his political opinions and I respect your lack of interest.
I don't see it as a surprise, especially under the current economic circumstances. Many people in Britain are anti-EU at the moment and have been for a while and I can certainly understand their reasons. I wouldn't necessarily agree but I see where they are coming from.

Besides, Bruce has given hints about his views in many previous interviews. Maybe he didn't speak so directly just because the interviews did not focus on such things, but he wouldn't hide it. I don't care what he thinks about politics. I wouldn't care about how he runs his business, either. His political views would affect me, if they start to interfere with his music, which they don't, so I don't have a problem.

EDIT: I don't think that being biased towards conservative politics excludes being an open-minded human being.
Some (I comprised) cannot just limit their interest to the music and want to know more. And some things make sense. While talking about an artist, one cannot separe his art from his opinions on broader subjects.
I dig what you say here. Bruce Dickinson is one of my most favourite artists. I am interested in politics and I realize the importance of politics. Therefore I find a combination (Bruce talking politics) hard to ignore.

And naturally, I can't completely erase my own views on a subject when listening this. It's not a major problem.
I got to learn Bruce a bit better and I'll keep an eye on how he will "progress" <_< on the subject.
I want to know more. But knowing is not the same as judging.

Forostar may be right, though. Maybe the more you are interested in politics, the greater the importance of other people's political views on your own perception of them.