Yes, because 30 years of great music means nothing when you have a controversial political opinion.
Flash talked about viewing a person. There is a person behind the one that makes music. When someone makes some of your most important music that can mean a lot.
Can't stand? Now, isn't that a little exaggerated? This is just an on-topic discussion.
when people base their respect of a musician on a political stance, especially when it isn't something the musician makes a huge deal about.
That depends on what one defines as a huge deal and naturally that differs per person.
I think he certainly makes a bigger deal about it than ever before. He came out, so to speak, and naturally that has something to do with being a business man himself now. His good right. But I may not like everything he says.
I am not blinded by the fact that I like Bruce's songs.
So, basically, to me, recently he comes across as a lesser social person than I had ever imagined. So, yes I can understand what Flash says.
It all depends on what we find important in life. And we all can differ in that to a certain extent.
Bruce's music has meant a lot to me so I can't imagine that will change soon. And he hasn't been as controversial as Mustaine or Schaffer. Not at all.
He still has become a bit less believable to me when I think back of the past. E.g. if he's so anti-Europe then I'll take his Blood Brothers speech -talking about all these different nationalities and flags- with a grain of salt. Certainly, a concert hall where many people of different nationalities and religions are gathering, this would all be less easy if there was no European Union wouldn't it? "You are all welcome at our concerts, but for the rest ....".
That said, I have no clue what Bruce said this time. Perhaps I first should hear in what regard he is anti-Europe exactly before I shoot my mouth of. If anyone remembers what he said, or if anyone can drop a link, thanks in advance.
Aha, just heard some of it. He sees the EU as a spending machine and as a Germany controlled union. The typical skeptic story. I can't deny the latter but the first is such a one sided view. Much more is going on.
edit 2:
Very interesting discussion (I meant the broadcast, but this also). Interesting topics. Sorry, I like politics. ;-)