Out of the Silent Planet
28. Blood
Oh fuck, this song is in my top 10.

27. The Brave
Another very good song.
28. Blood
27. The Brave
I've heard some people actually call this Blaze's best song. Well... I disagree, definitely, but I will say that it's pretty strong. I love the soft opening a lot. It loses a little something when it gets heavier but not enough to ruin the song. Actually, the music sounds kinda like '90s Megadeth.
Kinda like the previous one, this tune is enjoyable, but missing something unique that could elevate it above being just good. Another emotional piece, but feels a bit repetitive.
Nice clean opening with tasteful bass accompaniment. Sleepy off-key Blaze returns, unfortunately. Ooh, nice harmonized rhythm guitar with a great lead! Strong verse with strong vocals. Pretty good pre-chorus, though the vocals are more uneven there. Ooh, I like the chorus quite a bit except for the phrasing -- if he'd just sung "the man that I could be" instead of "the man I could be" it would have worked so much better. Another round of verse through chorus and we get a great little interlude that breaks into a pretty good series of solos. In the end I think the stronger parts outweigh the weaker ones.
Good song. More on par with the quality of the first 4 songs; a noticeable step up from the previous three.
A fantastic little intro for "Meant To Be". Blaze sings his bit passionately in a lower range, and the soloing that ensues is great.
A great little interlude of sorts with some nice acoustic guitars and atmospheric licks. I like how it feels like part 2 of a trilogy of songs that sorta flow together, starting with "Leap of Faith" and continuing into the next one.
Nice acoustic riff! Blaze sounds a little shaky at first, but recovers nicely. Very nice electric leads. This is really just a little bridge between two other songs, but it's done really well.
It may be short, but it's still a great piece of music that features some sexy guitar licks and serves as the perfect intro for Meant to Be.
I really really love The Truth Revealed but it's SO not top 5 in Tenth Dimension and it's not better than any of the songs between 58 to 52 maybe except Human. Kill and Destroy and the 3 PaT tracks should be so so much higher as well, along side other tracks that have fallen before (The Path & The Way, End Dream, Madness and Sorrow and the Launch).
The Truth Revealed beat another 3 songs. I can't wait to see if the intro beats the actual song!
I admit it's very good and mystic but it's not fucking better than Letting Go of the World!
Oh, you are so gonna hate where it ended up.Can you kill Escape Velocitttttttt-yyyyyyy-ohhhhh-ohh?
And the suite ends with acceptance. "Comfortable In Darkness" is the perfect ending to the album, opening soft, and hitting heavy as the runtime progresses. Excellent track.
I'm still not sold on this one. The doomy feel is nice and reminiscent of "Stranger to the Light", but it ends rather abruptly, and doesn't feel quite as well-written as the three previous tracks. I can't argue against yet another set of strong lyrics, though.
A dark clean intro supports a pretty good soft vocal from Blaze. Bad phrasing again. Nice vocal harmonies on the pre-chorus! The chorus itself is kinda "meh" and repetitive. Decent melodic interlude. Hey, the bridge is good! I like the softer vocals toward the end, too.
Pretty solid track.
Maybe if we renamed this thread “104 songs in 104 days” it would get more frequent attention...?
Love this song. The opening bit is awesome, the verses and pre-chorus are good, and then the chorus itself is fantastic. Easily one of the best songs on the album.
Another neat track with an interesting interplay between guitar and bass in the intro/main melody. It's not as strong as "Alive", but a great one-two punch to open the album.
Aw geez, is this song based on The Fast And The Furious? Oh well.
Very strong track. It very well may end up growing higher in the future.
"Eating Lies" is my favourite song [from Endure And Survive].
Starting out quietly but building as it goes on, this is a massive piece of the album and a very good one as well. Blaze sounds great, as does the music, as they narrate together how all the lies William Black has been told will soon be shoved in the faces of those who lied to him.
Blaze's voice sounds really good here, but the phrasing is atrocious.
The main melody of this one, whether played acoustically or with heavy guitars, is amazing. Beautiful. If only the chorus was stronger, this could've gotten a perfect score.
One of the major highlights of the album. Blaze sounds great. I really love the entirety of the instrumental section as well.
This is a song that starts out good but not great, but by the end it's unlocked that greatness.
Now, this is very good! There are a lot of nice elements to this one; the main melody is very catchy, the chorus is epic, and the calmer parts work very well as a contrast to the heavier riffs. The lyrics are also pretty decent - being haunted by night terrors that start appearing in the daylight is a terrifying thought indeed.
Kinda "meh", but it probably does enough.
I can dig it.
For the most part a balls-out rocker, "Dark Energy 256" is a really great listen, easy to headbang to, but also helps the story as we see that something rather sinister may be in the background here.
A mixed bag.
Man, did we get back to awesomeness with this track! The pre-chorus/chorus combination works absolutely brilliant here - I love the interplay between the busy and very heavy pre-chorus and the simpler, but still catchy chorus.
Great solo, everything else is so-so.
It's pretty much perfectly average.
Another highlight! Great riff, nice harmonies, amazing chorus and, once again, some very fine solos indeed. This track is an absolute monster live, and the studio version is simply brilliant too.
What a shame that Blaze took such a strong guitar foundation and managed to crap all over it with subpar singing and phrasing!
Fun, fast-paced song.
Blaze - Speed of Light > Stratovarius - Speed of Light > Iron Maiden - Speed of Light > Malmsteen - Faster than the Speed of Light