2. Eagle Spirit Average Score: 8.86/10 The Redemption Of William Black 11/11
Blaze's longest song, "Eagle Spirit" is the Infinite Entanglement trilogy's closing opus, and you all came out in droves to send it up to the heights it deserves. There were no votes below a 7, which means that any weaknesses some may have seen were nothing to compare to its magnificence. Opening with a spoken word intro and building into a riffing, emotional piece detailing William Black's fight with the people on the planet invaded against the Redeemer, it is certainly one of his finest creations, and more than deserving of the place it has reached.
I like how the narrative switches to the inhabitants on the planet the humans were seeking to claim for themselves - no one ever thought of them, did they? Some very well-written lyrics, in my opinion, and the music is a nice fit too.
#6: The Redemption Of William Black Average Score: 7.07/10
Blaze's most recent album, and the closer to his Trilogy, The Redemption Of William Black (Infinite Entanglement Part III) comes as the second-to-last album to drop from the countdown, following a run in which its closing epic finally entered the list in second place out of one hundred and four songs of all shapes and sizes, all lengths and styles, yadda yadda yadda.
Redemption is certainly a solid album, but there seems to be a mixture between the brilliant ("Eagle Spirit", "Already Won"), the good ("Redeemer", "Immortal One"), and the... eh, not the best he's ever put out ("Human Eyes", "Are You Here"). Still, the sum is better than the whole and it's been lauded for being a satisfying conclusion to the Trilogy. Not one of his Top 5 albums, maybe, but it's good.
While the weakest of The Trilogy, that's not to say that this album isn't great. Because it is. It just doesn't consistently knock it out of the park as much as its predecessors do.
I think the concept trilogy helped Blaze stay focused and deliver something more consistent than his past work, though I don't think he ever fully hit things out of the park.
The first half of the final part of William Black's journey definitely contains the weakest songs of the trilogy, but boy, does the second half deliver in full force! And so we reach the end (for now) - Black's story has wrapped up in style, and I sincerely hope Blaze will team up with Chris Appleton again in the future.
2. Eagle Spirit 3. Escape Velocity
4. Together We Can Move The Sun 5. Meant To Be 6. A Thousand Years 7. Ghost In The Machine
8. Born As A Stranger 9. Surrounded By Sadness 10. Soundtrack Of My Life
11. Blood And Belief 12. Calling You Home 13. Silicon Messiah 14. The Tenth Dimension
15. Leap Of Faith 16. Watching The Night Sky 17. Infinite Entanglement 18. Endure And Survive 19. Speed Of Light 20. Dark Energy 256 21. Time To Dare 22. Eating Lies 23. Ten Seconds 24. Comfortable In Darkness 25. The Truth Revealed 26. Regret 27. The Brave 28. Blood 29. What Will Come 30. Already Won 31. Samurai 32. A Work Of Anger 33. Voices From The Past 34. City Of Bones 35. Independence 36. The Man Who Would Not Die 37. Life And Death
38. Alive 39. Identity 40. Stranger To The Light 41. Life Goes On 42. The World Is Turning The Wrong Way 43. While You Were Gone 44. Tearing Yourself To Pieces
45. Will To Win 46. Smile Back At Death 47. Prayers Of Light 48. At The End Of The Day 49. God Of Speed 50. Solar Wind 51. 18 Days 52. Evolution
53. The Hunger 54. Kill And Destroy 55. Letting Go Of The World
56. 1633 57. Human 58. The Trace Of Things That Have No Words 59. Dawn Of The Dead Son 60. Redeemer
61. Immortal One
62. Human Eyes
63. The First True Sign
64. The Dark Side Of Black 65. Stars Are Burning 66. Madness And Sorrow 67. Waiting For My Life To Begin 68. The Launch 69. Fight Back 70. End Dream 71. Robot 72. Remember 73. Reach For The Horizon 74. Destroyer 75. The Day I Fell To Earth 76. Nothing Will Stop Me
77. Land Of The Blind 78. Faceless 79. Serpent Hearted Man 80. Stealing Time 81. Are You Here 82. Living Someone Else's Life 83. The Dreams Of William Black 84. Blackmailer 85. Russian Holiday 86. Crack In The System 87. The Path & The Way
88. Hollow Head 89. Difficult
90. The Rainbow Fades To Black 91. Motherfuckers R Us 92. Beginning 93. Hatred 94. Dimebag
95. Fate 96. The Truth Is One 97. Forgotten Future 98. Eating Children 99. Fighter 100. Shall We Begin 101. One More Step
102. Judge Me
103. The Black Country
104. The King Of Metal
Silicon Messiah 9/10 #2: Endure And Survive 10/10 (7.39/10 avg.) #3: Promise And Terror 11/11 (7.23/10 avg.) #4: Blood & Belief 10/10 (7.16/10 avg.) #5: Infinite Entanglement 12/12 (7.14/10 avg.) #6: The Redemption Of William Black 11/11 (7.07 avg.) #7: Tenth Dimension 12/12 (7.04/10 avg.) #8: The Man Who Would Not Die 12/12 (6.61/10 avg.) Bonus tracks 6/6 (5.65/10 avg.) #9: The King of Metal 10/10 (4.91/10 avg.)
1. Stare At The Sun Average Score: 9.38/10 Silicon Messiah 10/10
Unless you're Jer, it shouldn't come as any surprise whatsoever that "Stare At The Sun" is the winner in the countdown, bar none. It has never lost a single Blaze Survivor, and is there any reason it should take a loss now? I don't think so, and clearly you guys agree with me. Literally, eight different people gave it a 10, four others gave it a 9, and only Jer went lower than that with his gob-smacking 6. Clearly, this is Blaze's most beloved song, his "Hallowed Be Thy Name", if you. Like "Hallowed", it's a song that transcends the artist's career, able to rope in new fans with a single listen, drawn into the scene, the setting, the wonder it presents.
It's a very emotional song, after all. Silicon Messiah as a whole is a very sci-fi inspired album, and this follows in that same vein. We see before us, floating out into the wide beyond of outer space, one of Major Tom's long lost brethren, a spaceman, far from his home, from his family, from the life he used to live. All alone, in a great big unknown. And here is where he meets his end. Couple that with a blazing solo section and some killer riffs, and you've already got a masterful song in its own right.
But what sets "Stare At The Sun" apart from songs like "Space Oddity" and the like is the way that this song tackles one's last moments. There's fear, there's panic, there's despair... and yet at the same time there's also peace, a peace that now you will be opening that door that's been in front of you for all this time, yet you never had a key until now. With no escape, no turning back, you take that step forward into the unknown. Into another portal, infinite darkness, another lifetime, Heaven, perhaps? Who knows. But there it is, and that's what this song does so well. "As I live, so I die... here in endless night..." A final step into the unknown, where we all will stare at the sun.
I'll say this as succinctly as I can: There is not, and never will be, another song like "Stare At The Sun". Thank you, Blaze.
Absolutely beautiful song about the fate that may encompass our race - a handful of survivors who may be doomed to wander the cosmos forever, worldless, if our precious globe is damaged or destroyed through our own wrongs.
This is, in my opinion, the best song ever. It is nothing short of perfect. Perhaps it is not terribly original in its structure and songwriting, but it is simply so good that it doesn't matter.
I don't have much to say about this song. I love it, and it's a perfect way to end the album. It's long, but doesn't feel like it, the music is amazing, and the lyrics are thoughtful.
Again, unless you're Jer, Silicon Messiah taking the top spot on the list should not be a surprise whatsoever. It was proof that Blaze was more than just a failed former Maiden singer. With the right bandmates, he was able to craft a heavy, well-rounded monster with some truly amazing tracks. Certainly, all of his subsequent releases have always been measured up to this one, for better or for worse. There isn't much more that I can say that hasn't been said before. Give it a listen. It's just that good.
And with that, we've finally come to the end of our countdown. I'm quite satisfied overall, and I hope you are two. Been quite a wild ride, hasn't it? Certainly felt like an eternity... heheh... Hopefully the wait was worth it. We'll see what lies for us in the future. 'Til then, thanks again for participation. It's been a blaze.
1. Stare At The Sun 2. Eagle Spirit 3. Escape Velocity
4. Together We Can Move The Sun 5. Meant To Be 6. A Thousand Years 7. Ghost In The Machine
8. Born As A Stranger 9. Surrounded By Sadness 10. Soundtrack Of My Life
11. Blood And Belief 12. Calling You Home 13. Silicon Messiah 14. The Tenth Dimension
15. Leap Of Faith 16. Watching The Night Sky 17. Infinite Entanglement 18. Endure And Survive 19. Speed Of Light 20. Dark Energy 256 21. Time To Dare 22. Eating Lies 23. Ten Seconds 24. Comfortable In Darkness 25. The Truth Revealed 26. Regret 27. The Brave 28. Blood 29. What Will Come 30. Already Won 31. Samurai 32. A Work Of Anger 33. Voices From The Past 34. City Of Bones 35. Independence 36. The Man Who Would Not Die 37. Life And Death
38. Alive 39. Identity 40. Stranger To The Light 41. Life Goes On 42. The World Is Turning The Wrong Way 43. While You Were Gone 44. Tearing Yourself To Pieces
45. Will To Win 46. Smile Back At Death 47. Prayers Of Light 48. At The End Of The Day 49. God Of Speed 50. Solar Wind 51. 18 Days 52. Evolution
53. The Hunger 54. Kill And Destroy 55. Letting Go Of The World
56. 1633 57. Human 58. The Trace Of Things That Have No Words 59. Dawn Of The Dead Son 60. Redeemer
61. Immortal One
62. Human Eyes
63. The First True Sign
64. The Dark Side Of Black 65. Stars Are Burning 66. Madness And Sorrow 67. Waiting For My Life To Begin 68. The Launch 69. Fight Back 70. End Dream 71. Robot 72. Remember 73. Reach For The Horizon 74. Destroyer 75. The Day I Fell To Earth 76. Nothing Will Stop Me
77. Land Of The Blind 78. Faceless 79. Serpent Hearted Man 80. Stealing Time 81. Are You Here 82. Living Someone Else's Life 83. The Dreams Of William Black 84. Blackmailer 85. Russian Holiday 86. Crack In The System 87. The Path & The Way
88. Hollow Head 89. Difficult
90. The Rainbow Fades To Black 91. Motherfuckers R Us 92. Beginning 93. Hatred 94. Dimebag
95. Fate 96. The Truth Is One 97. Forgotten Future 98. Eating Children 99. Fighter 100. Shall We Begin 101. One More Step
102. Judge Me
103. The Black Country
104. The King Of Metal
#1: Silicon Messiah 10/10 (7.56/10) #2: Endure And Survive 10/10 (7.39/10 avg.) #3: Promise And Terror 11/11 (7.23/10 avg.) #4: Blood & Belief 10/10 (7.16/10 avg.) #5: Infinite Entanglement 12/12 (7.14/10 avg.) #6: The Redemption Of William Black 11/11 (7.07 avg.) #7: Tenth Dimension 12/12 (7.04/10 avg.) #8: The Man Who Would Not Die 12/12 (6.61/10 avg.) Bonus tracks 6/6 (5.65/10 avg.) #9: The King of Metal 10/10 (4.91/10 avg.)
Meh. Super boring chorus riffing, too many on-the-nose lyrics, and the spoken opening overstays its welcome. The song is good, but nowhere near great, and has no business being this high on the list, IMO.
Obviously most of you disagree, so it’s a good thing I didn’t actually bet any money...
Thanks for finishing the countdown @Diesel 11! While I can't say I'm completely satisfied with how everything turned out, the right song won in the end.
@Diesel 11 - thanks for spending the time to organize this countdown. I've been (gradually) diving into Blaze's solo career over the past couple of years, and this has been really helpful.
On a semi-related note - I'm old fashioned and like making mix CD's for long car rides. Here's what I created recently for Blaze's catalogue:
- Wolfsbane era: "Man Hunt" ("Tough as Steel" was a late cut)
- Maiden era: "Virus", "Doctor, Doctor", "Judgment Day" and "Justice of the Piece" (I avoided songs from the two studio albums to give this some more variety - I love "Sign of the Cross", "The Clansman", "Lord of the Flies", etc., but I've heard them a thousand times)
- Silicon Messiah: title track, "Ghost in the Machine", "Stare at the Sun" ("The Launch" was a late cut)
- Tenth Dimension: "Meant to Be"
- Blood and Belief: "Soundtrack of my Life"
- The Man Who Would Not Die: "Samurai"
- Promise and Terror: none (but "City of Bones" was a late cut)
- The King of Metal: none
- Infinite Entanglement: "A Thousand Years"
- Endure and Survive: "Escape Velocity", "Together We Can Move the Sun" (edited out the last three minutes)
- The Redemption of William Black: "Prayers of Light", "Eagle Spirit" (edited out the first minute or so)
With the two edits above, this (just barely) fits onto an 80 minute audio CD. I know hardly anyone listens to CDs anymore, but I figured I'll share it anyway as this gives a good overview of all the eras of his career (a lot of "consensus" picks, with a few personal favourites).
Thanks for this ranking @Diesel 11 ! It was a pleasure.
I think the right song won. ''Stare At The Sun'' is one of the best songs that Blaze has ever written. ''Eagle Spirit'' at #2 - yesssss.... it's the best song from his latest solo album. ''Escape Velocity'' at #3 is awesome - one of my favorite songs from Blaze. ''A Thousand Years'', ''Together We Can Move The Sun'' and ''Born As A Stranger'' are also in top 10 - great great songs.
Good job @Diesel 11 ! My personal top 10 would look just a wee bit different, but I can't argue against "Stare at the Sun" as the winner it's been fun to participate, let's do something similar again soon!
I think Jer still wants to do his 1988 thing. After that I’ve got more Maiden-centric ideas, so if you’re all willing to put up with a slow trudge again, we can rock ‘n roll.
1. Stare At The Sun 2. Eagle Spirit 3. Escape Velocity
4. Together We Can Move The Sun 5. Meant To Be 6. A Thousand Years 7. Ghost In The Machine
8. Born As A Stranger 9. Surrounded By Sadness 10. Soundtrack Of My Life
11. Blood And Belief 12. Calling You Home 13. Silicon Messiah 14. The Tenth Dimension
Here's my prediction of the top 10 of this survey, hosted by @Diesel 11:
01. Stare at the Sun
02. Eagle Spirit 03. Soundtrack of My Life
04. Ghost in the Machine 05. The Tenth Dimension 06. Escape Velocity
07. Together We Can Move the Sun
08. A Thousand Years 09. Surrounded by Sadness 10. Blood and Belief
11: Silicon Messiah
I worked several hours on this so I assume my prediction should come close.
Looks like my top 10 (oh well: top 11) prediction was pretty close! 3 songs in bold that have the same spots. Furthermore
- 5 songs somewhere else in the top 10 (alright guys: that's 8 out of 10 songs predicted in the top 10. ).
Songs that landed outside the top 10:
- 1 song is only 1 postion lower than predicted
- 1 song is only 2 positions lower than predicted
- 1 song 9 positions lower than predicted (this was the worst prediction, still not that bad)
Songs in the top 10 I had not expected: Meant to Be and Born as a Stranger.
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