Best/Worst Iron Maiden albums by Track Position - DONE

Which is the BEST Last Track among these?

  • Mother Russia

    Votes: 1 3.2%
  • 2 A.M.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Age of Innocence

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Unbeliever

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Drifter

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Judas Be My Guide

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Journeyman

    Votes: 1 3.2%
  • Twilight Zone

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Fear of the Dark

    Votes: 18 58.1%
  • The Legacy

    Votes: 7 22.6%
  • The Thin Line Between Love and Hate

    Votes: 4 12.9%

  • Total voters
Re: Eliminations: "Perfect" Iron Maiden album by Track Position (Now on Track #1)

Aces High, Caught Somewhere in Time

Almost all of Maiden's openers are good, the 2nd choice (which was Aces High) is a lot tougher than it seems.
Re: Building the "Perfect" Iron Maiden album by Track # (Now voting on Track #1)

valacirca said:
I just realized that even if I reset the poll and narrow down the choices to Aces High, Caught Somewhere in Time & Sign of the Cross... there's no way to change the number of votes allowed from two to one.

Look harder. :bigsmile:

It's right next to the boldface words "Poll options". Right where it says "Maximum votes per user".

Please do not start multiple threads for a single game. Accomplish your goal by editing your poll. I've seen forums that have a new thread for every voting round, and it's a mess. We'd like to avoid that on Maidenfans as much as possible.
Re: Eliminations: "Perfect" Iron Maiden album by Track Position (Now on Track #1)

Except for Daily Vote, which ends up getting merged into the appropriate Commentary thread each time.
Re: Eliminations: "Perfect" Iron Maiden album by Track Position (Now on Track #1)

Right, but that's different. That doesn't increase the topics in the forum, because of the merge.

I've seen sites where the forum had dozens of dead topics with titles like "Game X round 4", "Game X round 5", etc. That's the thing to avoid. Use judicious editing, and keep it in one thread when possible.
Re: Eliminations: "Perfect" Iron Maiden album by Track Position (Now on Track #1)

I'd like to avoid it as much as possible as well, which is why I like how MaidenFans has an option to reset polls on threads (an option I don't see on a lot of forums). However, I really can't see the option you're pertaining to:


Upon initially creating the poll, there is an option, yes. However, upon resetting the poll, I really can't see where I have the option to modify the maximum votes per user. It would be unfortunate to have 3 options (Aces High, Caught Somewhere in Time & Sign of the Cross) and each voter could still pick two choices...
Re: Eliminations: "Perfect" Iron Maiden album by Track Position (Now on Track #1)

CSiT, Moonchild
Re: Eliminations: "Perfect" Iron Maiden album by Track Position (Now on Track #1)

valacirca said:
... I really can't see where I have the option to modify the maximum votes per user...

Aha, I see your problem. You're using the wrong skin. A common problem for new members.

Go to your profile and find the link for Look and Layout Preferences. There's an option there to change your theme. Change it to SMF Default Theme - Core.

SMF Core is the only theme that lets you see all the options. Sadly, it isn't the default for new members. We're working on fixing that.
Re: Eliminations: "Perfect" Iron Maiden album by Track Position (Now on Track #1)

Does it take a while to take full effect? I just changed mine and unfortunately I still can't see any of the other poll options :(

Might it have something to do with being a new member and/or not having enough posts?


I thought that maybe it wasn't working since I created the poll using the default theme so I couldn't see all the option even though I've already switched to the Core theme.

However, I tried creating a new poll just now and I still couldn't see all the options when I edit it.

Sorry, I'm out of ideas.
I just tried all the themes... still no option to change the maximum number of votes. :(
Re: Eliminations: "Perfect" Iron Maiden album by Track Position (Now on Track #1)

Well, how many do you want? One of us will gladly change it for you.
Re: Building the "Perfect" Iron Maiden album by Track Position (Track #1 Finals)

Well.. considering the choices for Track #1 have to be narrowed down to "Aces High", "Caught Somewhere in Time" & "Sign of the Cross" it would be ideal to have a maximum of only 1 vote.

However, once we've finished voting for Track #1 and move on to Track #2 with 15 choices again, it would be ideal to have a maximum of 2 votes.

I don't know how tolerant the mods would be to change the maximum number of votes back and forth once a day or every other day...
ehhhh... what the heck... I just went and proceeded with the Finals Round relying on the voters honesty that they would just vote for one instead of two of the three songs :P
Re: "Perfect" Iron Maiden album by Track Position (Track #1 Finals; vote for 1 only)


I need an Eddie Facepalm image...
...yeah this is really not going to work via an honesty system even though it's explicitly stated to pick only one...
Re: "Perfect" Iron Maiden album by Track Position (Track #1 Finals; vote for 1 only)

Aces High.
Re: "Perfect" Iron Maiden album by Track Position (Track #1 Finals; vote for 1 only)

Are we talking live or studio here? I mean the "Somewhere Back in Time" album starts with a live version of Aces High.

If we are free to choose from live songs too, I'd say Aces High from Live After Death. If studio, Sign of the Cross.
Re: "Perfect" Iron Maiden album by Track Position (Track #1 Finals; vote for 1 only)

One more for Caught Somewhere in Time.  While Aces High is in my top 10 Maiden tunes, CSIT is such a high energy starter.  I love the synths, then the drums, then the full band kicking in.  It's like AC/DC from the future.
Re: "Perfect" Iron Maiden album by Track Position (Track #1 Finals; vote for 1 only)

Re: "Perfect" Iron Maiden album by Track Position (Track #1 Finals; vote for 1 only)

Black_Thunder said:
Then give us 1 vote...

The discussion about this is on the previous page. The reasoning is on the OP.
Farhang said:
Are we talking live or studio here?

I think we should consider the song both as a studio and live version :) Although in the end, it's up to the voter's (your) discretion :P