NP posted a great example of Marco, but I’ll post some really early stuff from him. 1986’s Wings Of Darkness video from Tarot:

It’s a whole different sound from him, more classic metal vocals so to speak. Sometime during the ‘90s he had an operation that fucked up his vocal chords, so he had to relearn singing from scratch. I like both pre- and post-surgery Marco. I’d say he stands out a little more uniquely post.
Man.......compared to all the rounds of shit singers we’ve had I have to say FUCK THIS ROUND.

I would pick Marco in most rounds, but Sebastian Bach in his prime was absolutely astounding. Dave Grohl has so much power and stamina, it’s insane.

Cobain can fuck right off, but otherwise I can’t decide.
Hietala and Bach are such hard hitters, it was a difficult choice. Grohl is a very capable singer too, although I don't think he has the flair of the other two. Cobain might be the voice and poster boy of grunge culture (note I didn't say 'genre' :p ) but I don't think his singing is up to any of the others, and he was already sounding ropey by the time of In Utero.

I'm going with Bach for sheer ability combined with great style. Bach is a singer I've seen live and even 'past his best' so to speak his voice was very impressive.
I really love Dave and Kurt. I don't care about Marco. But Sebastian Bach is the best singer here.

Crap, had I known Dave got chances to advance, I'd have voted for him.
He is a backup vocalist in Nightwish, listen to the band I posted where he's the lead singer.
I stand by it. He reminds me of Adrian Smith on ASAP: his voice works well when playing off someone else but is somewhat bland by itself. I also don’t like the slow Ripper-esque vibrato that he does.
Bach might be a tad more talented singer, but I like Grohl’s voice more.
Besides, if you get a chance to put Dave Grohl in your band, you’d have to be an idiot not to take him.
He’s Dave Grohl.
I voted for Grohl as he would be an amazing guy to have in a band. 18 and Life is the only song I've heard from Skid Row but it's an absolutely amazing song.
Sure, why not. I let Ariana do it because I thought she made a mistake, so it's only fair. But only this round.
Bach received another vote since then, so I'll refrain from changing my vote. I was only talking about the possibility of being a tiebreaker.
Marco is a good backup vocalist.
I stand by it. He reminds me of Adrian Smith on ASAP: his voice works well when playing off someone else but is somewhat bland by itself. I also don’t like the slow Ripper-esque vibrato that he does.
I agree. He is fine as a backing vocalist but his singing style gets really annoying when he's given more presence. He is a good foil for a female singer and I like the stuff he's done with Delain, such as

but I gave his solo album a shot and it was pretty bad. He really shouldn't be in this tournament at all.