Anybody up for a forum collaboration?

That's quite right. A section had moved a slight bit there. Disregard the whole version, I have to move stuff around, due to playlist mixups.

Edit: I will post a version sometime tomorrow. I redid part of it after I removed my link, but my head is a bit too tired.
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Interesting guys! When it's done please make a thorough credits section, of exacly what is done by everyone. I am curious to read and hear such details.
  • Intro at :20 - Zare
  • 1:08 - Knick
  • 1:41 Octave harmony - Knick/Zare
  • 2:48 twin harmony - Saap/Mosh
  • 4:02 - everybody
  • 4:43
  • 5:06 - Knick
  • 5:25 harmony - Knick/Zare
  • 8:01 (this is a repeat of an earlier harmony but I'm thinking if we have 4 guitars, it'd make sense to have two people play it the first time and two different people the second time). - Mosh/Saap
I filled in the rest so that everyone gets a stab at harmonies. Everyone gets to do the octave harmony and there are two other twin leads which works out since there are 4 of us. 4:43 is still open though, anybody want it? I'll take it if there is no interest.

@Zare can you do rhythm parts for both of the solos? I'll join you for Saap's solo and Saap can join you for my solo.

@Saapanael - For our twin leads I'd like to take the bottom harmony. Does that work?
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I'm still thinking of how to divide the rhythm parts. Since Knick won't be doing any, it'll be a bit easier to divide. Zare already said he'd tackle the verse/chorus stuff, so I'm thinking Saap can take the other channel and I'll throw in some of the synth guitar parts for texture (albeit played on normal guitar).

Or everybody could record rhythm parts for the whole song and Yax can pick and choose from there. Those are my ideas at least.
@Zare can you do rhythm parts for both of the solos? I'll join you for Saap's solo and Saap can join you for my solo.

I'd also do rhythm guitar(s) under 5:25 harmony.

Hopefully I'll be able to record something today.
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Nope, and I'm not. No way.

Tell ya what, don't worry about the Alex intro... just record yourself saying the following and send it to Yax.

"My crazy son don't ask anyone for nothing. Thigh hurts? Heal yourself. Another fantasy kingdom, good for games - that is, which games? I must leave now, there is something to see. Small world, four corners, truthy Time Cube!"