Adrian Smith

Well, he's someone who searched for "Adrian Smith" on YouTube.
Well, I'm someone who does the same thing and I've never seen these pop up before so this came as a surprise to me...

Or if you prefer Adrian singing, here's an older one...
... just as well he remembered to bring his Les Paul to the pub! :p

Just like this! I've never ever seen this before!

Thanks for sharing these, Cried. :)
What you trying to say LC?! --saying pictures of Adrian with fish belong somewhere better?; that I should post Pat Cash somewhere else? :p
... or have they actually already been posted? :eek:
We get that you're bored, Cried but there is no need to post pages and pages of Adrian pictures. This thread is really more for new Adrian news or anything else new that happens to pop up relating to him. Like the videos you posted. Those were new, at least to some of us, so continue to post things like that. :D Its kind of discouraging seeing a new post in here and only finding out it's nothing new. It's starting to become just a huge Adrian spam thread.
Its kind of discouraging seeing a new post in here and only finding out it's nothing new. It's starting to become just a huge Adrian spam thread.
Are you kidding? Come on, lots of stuff in this thread is of not very serious content, way before these pictures came along. It has become some kind of chat thread. And that could also be seen as spam if we're going to be strict. Adrian news? I don't remember much of that lately.

I haven't seen most of those pictures. Maybe you saw them somewhere else, but probably not on this forum. If they belong in the Maiden pics topic, that's fine with me.
I get that but the other band member threads aren't treated as spam that I've noticed. It seems that only this one is. I'm just saying that it would be nice to see some new news posted here instead of just random pictures of Adrian with fish or whatever here. Is that such a crime?
This is true but you don't see people going into Bruce's thread and just posting pictures of Bruce as a pilot or doing other things or in the Steve thread posting picture of Steve playing football. People have been posting new news in those threads, not just spamming. Look, I'm not trying to make some sort of argument out of this or anything, I was just saying how I felt. That is all.