Adrian Smith

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A while back (when I joined the forum), there were very many "countdowns". I liked reading them, but thought there were too many; to really take them in & to give due consideration to what the authors had obviously taken a lot of time over. It's not that they were all poor or anything, I just couldn't really give them all the attention they deserved. I kind of feel the same about endless lists too. I realise many of these are just for fun; but there are an awful lot of them sometimes. Add to all this the fact that I'm a pedant & like finality. I always thought it would take myself quite a while to compile any such list; certainly one I'd be happy with.

But solos! I'm going to (have to) make an effort, I think... :)
This thread has been super slow so I guess it's nice to see something posted but would have been better if it was something now recent......
"Impossibly good"? I like that! :)

Did you notice (getting ready to run for cover) after the initial little repetitive run (in the lead) Adrian goes into a little short sort of Janick sounding section?
(That lead's easy peasy anyway...:p)
Just a bit doesn't hurt anything. He can play how he wants. There's no crime in that. :D If he wants to play a bit like Janick, let him. He's Adrian Smith.
Well actually, I wasn't paying attention to whether or not he sounded like Janick. I didn't really notice. I was just making the argument that Adrian can do what he damn well pleases when it comes to guitar. :D If he did happen to sound like Janick a bit there, then so be it. Oh well. No need to pick about it.

And King Adrian, I like the sound of that.