The Dissident
Ancient Mariner
Lonesome Crow - Scorpions
Format: CD/Digital
I'm Goin' Mad - A very different style of Scorpions is found on their very, Schenker displays some promising guitarwork on this song, nice bass and precussion work on the song. Klaus' vocals are subdued, with a spoken word section, a very odd track with some good guitar work, Klaus' outro screams are nice - 7/10
It All Depends - Klaus sings more regularily on the second track, his distinct voice from the late 70s and 80s isn't as distinct here. Nice guitar work again from Schenker albeit so different from his later work - 8/10
Leave Me - Blowing winds open the next track, more of the same comments here as the previous two tracks, the band while very different sounding than later Scorpions is very tight but Klaus is so underutilized - 7.5/10
In Search Of The Peace Of Mind - A calm ballad, not nearly as amazing as the ones which will come later but a step in the right direction - 8.5/10
Inheritance - Beautiful guitar work from Schenker on this track, Klaus while underutilized isn't missed too much due to the band doing a really good job with the instrumentation on this track. Still nothing compares to their later work - 7.5/10
Action - Klaus comes in more prominently again on this track, a slower track but at the same time feels upbeat. An okay track - 7/10
Lonesome Crow - The long sprawling title track closes off the album, encompassing around 1/3rd of the album's length, dynamic with some varying styles throughout, I just wish Klaus had some better vocal preformances because this track has the potential to be amazing - 7.5/10
Overall 75%

Lonesome Crow - Scorpions
Format: CD/Digital
I'm Goin' Mad - A very different style of Scorpions is found on their very, Schenker displays some promising guitarwork on this song, nice bass and precussion work on the song. Klaus' vocals are subdued, with a spoken word section, a very odd track with some good guitar work, Klaus' outro screams are nice - 7/10
It All Depends - Klaus sings more regularily on the second track, his distinct voice from the late 70s and 80s isn't as distinct here. Nice guitar work again from Schenker albeit so different from his later work - 8/10
Leave Me - Blowing winds open the next track, more of the same comments here as the previous two tracks, the band while very different sounding than later Scorpions is very tight but Klaus is so underutilized - 7.5/10
In Search Of The Peace Of Mind - A calm ballad, not nearly as amazing as the ones which will come later but a step in the right direction - 8.5/10
Inheritance - Beautiful guitar work from Schenker on this track, Klaus while underutilized isn't missed too much due to the band doing a really good job with the instrumentation on this track. Still nothing compares to their later work - 7.5/10
Action - Klaus comes in more prominently again on this track, a slower track but at the same time feels upbeat. An okay track - 7/10
Lonesome Crow - The long sprawling title track closes off the album, encompassing around 1/3rd of the album's length, dynamic with some varying styles throughout, I just wish Klaus had some better vocal preformances because this track has the potential to be amazing - 7.5/10
Overall 75%