Don't let me interrupt the flow here, (as its headed in a far better direction, most thankfully) and as I'm never posting in this topic again. (I told people it was a bad idea to begin with in another topic, and predicted this would happen) but I'll clarify things here in a final post since it seems necessary. Note: I will not bother to read replies, so don't bother and just act like my post isn't here. I will kindly move on to other topics, and I have no qualms at all about staff deleting my posts if they deem it necessary, though I'm happy they've stayed.
What I wanted in my first post was for the staff here to take the sort of thing I was talking about seriously, and prevent any further allusion and references to rape from the less than decent members here. And they very admirably took action and have. I can't help but to applaud their genuine response and consideration of the matter, and it says much for their professionalism. And it made me feel much safer here. Though some of you need to learn a lesson or ten, rest assured I'm not going to do anything to bring unwanted attention to the forum itself, as that would be unfair to the better souls who frequent here.
@BlackAbyssBabe OMG ANOTHER GIRL! Finally!

Thank you, by the way for your awesome reply.
On a final note, I know many of you boys think jer was 'agreeing' with me, but he most certainly was not. I know exactly what he was trying to do, as well as what psychological game he was playing, and I wasnt having any of it. So, I did the only correct action which was get acquainted with the ignore feature immediately after replying to his first response, to prevent future issues. Were clearly on opposite ends of the personal beliefs spectrum. I was kind enough to tell him I wasn't talking with him further, so why he bothered with a reply I'll never read is beyond my understanding.
And now, I will leave you to your topic.
If anyone wants my advice regarding dating and such things, you can feel free to join the others who have pm'ed me with questions.