Russia invades Ukraine

Nope, he is just parroting Putin.
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I hope the following is correct:

I don't want to dehumanize Russian soldiers - this is just as tragic to them- but at this point maximum damage to the invading forces is, terrible as this might sound, good for the safety of Russia's other neighbouring countries...

Too bad that the downfall of Putin and - finally - the unity of the West comes with the cost of Ukrainian blood... but if this has even somewhat positive outcome in the end, the west should be eternally grateful to the immense effort of Ukraine and help them to rebuild.
If Putin flattens Kyiv he would risk the uproar and outrage spurring NATO into action. Perhaps a no fly zone. It would be the final nail in his coffin. The butcher of Kyiv.
It’s hard to put anything past him at this point but he’s not a man accustomed to failure. The humiliation of defeat would not sit well.
Regarding russian troopers:
Live by the sword, die by the sword
Show No Mercy
...And Justice for All
Zelenskyy should get man of the year after all this. Not just a great speech, but the fact that he’s putting his money where his mouth is and fighting alongside the rest of his people, a tremendous leader.

Give him all of the Noble prizes.

Also, there will, for sure, be a movie one day. Heck, he could technically play himself.
If Putin flattens Kyiv he would risk the uproar and outrage spurring NATO into action. Perhaps a no fly zone. It would be the final nail in his coffin. The butcher of Kyiv.
It’s hard to put anything past him at this point but he’s not a man accustomed to failure. The humiliation of defeat would not sit well.

Yeah, they have already committed atrocities (I listed them in my previous post) that should already secure some of the leaders the rope for war crimes in a more just society, but flattening Kyiv would be the absolute end for Putin and Russia.
Even the "newly green with Russian gas" Germany would probably say "Fuck you" and all of Europe and probably most other states would just hardline boycott/embargo Russia until it's completely broken. As it is, he already seems to have just Lukashenko and Kadyrov, two idiotic psychopaths... and that's it. Even China doesn't seem to be as supportive as it seemed.

Still, I wonder what the fuck is going on? Just yesterday I read in the Czech news that someone has reported on Putin's meeting with the corporate heads and oligarchs, explaining himself, sounding almost apologetic ("I had to... they forced my hand"). Today I read the message of some Russian ministry that if the abroad assets will be frozen (and a lot of them surely will be), the Russian banks will probably touch people's finances for support. Czech Sberbanks are already crumbling down, because hundreds of people want to close their accounts - the offices are closed, the internet banking doesn't work.

Like, what's his endgame? He attacked Ukraine, possibly earlier than he thought, he uses completely incompetent forces, for what it's worth he's suffering really shameful losses (especially comparing the countries and their armies), Ukraine is fighting back so much it will make the stuff of legends, he's becoming a complete pariah in the international scene... he's threatening Scandinavia, although Finland has already once shown that they won't be Russia's bitch... I wonder, where's the "profit"? Has he become completely insane, is he just that stupid or is there something I don't see?
Meanwhile I have to explain to my mother than Zelenskyy is not a Nazi despite this pic that's been doing rounds on the Russian-financed trollwebs

and that they didn't commit genocide against Russian people, forcing Putin to "do the right thing".

I mean, fuck this. If there's one thing I hate about the czarist regime (which I wish was back, instead of this monstrosity that shot through the czar children in the basement, then painted the cobbles of Moscow with blood under Stalin and that was just the beginning), it was this type of hybrid war they came up with. Like the The Protocols of the Elders of Zion that became the main source for everything anti-semitic and that started as an anti-Bolshevism propaganda (because a lot of the revolting Communists were of Jewish origin...)

Sorry, I know it's a digression, but I just wanted to rant. Sorry, sorry, sorry.