Ancient Mariner
@LooseCannon and other interested: read on and check these two things.
Select play video, English, for an animation and explanation.
A WWII bomber plane is going to be taken from the depths of the Markermeer. It is believed that the entire crew is still in it.
This Canadian woman had to wait 77 years, but now 93-year-old Edith McLeod hopes to get a quick answer about the fate of her missing brother.
In the Second World War, Canadian Harry Farrington flew as a navigator on a British bomber. And this plane is probably the one.

Vliegen over polderlijnen
Tijdens de oorlog was het donker. De lichten in de steden werden gedoofd om ongezien te blijven voor de nachtelijke luchtoorlog. In die donkerste nachten vlogen vliegers terug naar huis.
A WWII bomber plane is going to be taken from the depths of the Markermeer. It is believed that the entire crew is still in it.
This Canadian woman had to wait 77 years, but now 93-year-old Edith McLeod hopes to get a quick answer about the fate of her missing brother.
In the Second World War, Canadian Harry Farrington flew as a navigator on a British bomber. And this plane is probably the one.
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