Legacy of the Beast 2018 Tour

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SIASL's solo is definitely overrated. Not that it's bad, but it sure as hell isn't the best Maiden solo ever either, if you ask me.
Well Maiden solos are consistently excellent, you need to dig hard and deep to find ones that aren't. Most of them are tradeoffs so it is hard to crown out a single guitarist solo. Within that limit, SIASL and 1st Powerslave solo are the top dogs.

And not all of them compete. For instance, a lot of people here love Blood Brothers solo. I think it is very good. However it is just a few bars of repeating the melody. With a lot of feel, great sound, great execution, but it does not compare to a 1 minute solo.
And yeah, SIASL has a good solo but it’s far from the best. Powerslave, Alexander, Rime - that’s where it’s at.
Just signed up to the IMFC and entered the ballot for FTTB for Tallin (there will be a lot of IMFC members, so not a lot of chance). Will do the same for Zagreb at a later date.
People I know seem to have donr pretty well out of FTTB. Maybe there aren't as many FC members as you would think going for it.
People I know seem to have donr pretty well out of FTTB. Maybe there aren't as many FC members as you would think going for it.
Well, me and my friend have entered the draw. He said that there is at least 300 people in the ballot for Tallin.

If I don't get it, I won't be mad. Zagreb, on the other hand, should be pretty easy FTTB to get.
If Clansman and FTGGOG are both in then I don’t expect any other post 1988 material other than FOTD.
If Clansman and FTGGOG are both in then I don’t expect any other post 1988 material other than FOTD.
I’d say The Wicker Man has a good shot too, it’s almost as mainstream as 80s hits, unlike Clansman and FTGGOG.
Having only one song from the reunion era would suck. I know there are commercial reasons but their reunion albums aren’t worse than the 80’s ones
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