Your Maiden blasphemy

Hmm, this led me to counting tracks on the last four albums, starting straightaway with distorted riffs or heavy parts, at least not calm parts (quite intros):

07. Wildest Dreams (I know, it starts with Nicko counting but that's prerry short)


Also, calling Nicko quiet wouldn't be quite right :D
Here are a few opinions I have that many might not agree with:

Wasting Love is easily a top five IM song for me and it's a shame they haven't brought that one back for their live set since the FotD tour
Wrathchild is a mediocre song that the band should stop playing live
Although it has some classic moments, The Number of the Beast has too much filler to be a truly great album
The quiet intro into the heavy riffing has been far too overdone in the last decade or so

- Totally agree on Wasting Love. It suffers from power ballad hate, but it's a beautiful song. Bruce's vocal performance is nothing short of astounding.
- I like Wrathchild, but I wouldn't miss it.
- NOTB is an incredibly average album with some of the greatest and most popular songs of Maiden's career. Hallowed and Children of the Damned are masterpieces, Run to the Hills and the title track are crowd favorites (if both quite cheesy and annoying at times), Prisoner is solid, 22 Acacia Avenue is mediocre at best with a cool bridge, and Invaders and Gangland are two of the worst songs they've ever recorded.
- I agree, but I still love it!
Hawkeye, it would be better to justify your point of view instead of attacking him with no argument to back yourself up :)
You'd be surprised that a lot of people rank NOTB quite low on album ranks around here. Not to say that they think it's a bad album, but stuff like the debut, PoM, Powerslave, SiT, Seventh Son, X Factor, BNW and AMOLAD seem to be the favourites around here.
I'd say NOTB is actually quite underrated here. It's true that it's far from Maiden's best, but it's still an amazing album and deserves its place among metal classics.
A lot of people like Big Macs but that doesn't mean they're right for doing so.

NOTB is one of the best albums in rock history, never mind metal.

The 90's albums were just awful. But the albums of the last decade have been great
I very much agree. Never doubted its place as a classic. But it is wildly inconsistent, perhaps the most inconsistent of Maiden's career (or possibly tied with DoD).
I think DoD and BNW are much more inconsistent. Maybe Virtual too.
It's a bit uneven for me. The first four songs are awesome, then it's a bit of a mixed bag. Not a huge fan of the last three songs either, so I rarely have the incentive to listen to the whole thing.
Thin Line and Dream Of Mirrors are the only songs that stop it from being an absolutely exceptional album in my eyes (as in not far from Powerslave tier). Fallen Angel wouldn't hurt to get replaced either, but it's better than the other two.