World Cup of Maidenfans 2.0: Opening Round 20

Which is the better artist?

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Living for Sanctuary from the law
Staff member
Previous round (Slayer versus Foo Fighters) remains open for voting here:
The Beatles defeats Symphony X to move on. Changed vote by Knick has Alice in Chains beating Ozzy and moving on.

In the blue corner, from Essen Germany, weighing in with 13 albums of pure riffing thrash aggression:

kreator logo.jpg

In the red corner, from London England, weighing in with 15 albums of bombastic musical chops and a willingness to master virtually any sub genre of rock

queen logo.jpg
I grew up listening to Queen. I remember being a little kid and my mum playing their cassettes in the car (I bet Dusty has never seen one of those!). I don't have a bad thing to say about Queen (apart from that 'Delilah' sucks! :P ) but I never listen to them because I'm more than familiar with nearly everything they've done. I don't mind listening to them if I'm in the car with my mum but I never bother to put them on myself.

I'm voting for Kreator partially because I feel sorry for them going up against one of the greatest bands of all time. :P Although I only know two of their albums I love what I've heard. 'Enemy of God' is a brilliant albums that wipes the board with anything Slayer have done and is a good reason why people shouldn't bother listening to Slayer. I am so false.
Now this is an example of a vastly influential band that has much to support its fame. Yes, some bands have the equal status of legends but you can never compare the mastery of Queen with the hollowness of the Beatles.
I Want it All, Show Must Go On, Innuendo, Bohemian Overplayedsody ...

Perhaps one or two more... and that's about it. :D

(sorry guys, I'll just go a little against the grain when I see all these exclamations... ;-)

Still they get my vote. I could never stand Mille's voice. Too bad because some of their riffs are grinding.
One of the greatest and most enjoyable bands of all time? And...Kreator.

Bohemian Rhapsody earns every play it gets because it's loved...for great reasons.
Even as a pity vote, votes against Queen here are unacceptable!


Welp. Kreator is going to get crushed.
I still don't quite understand these matchups.

I can't stand Queen outside of a few songs. I can most certainly appreciate the talent, Roger Taylor is one of my favorite drummers ever, but I just can't do the music.
Queen fans don't make me want to listen to them anymore either. You'd think Freddie Mercury was god himself, or something. Queen is also the posterchild of the "born in the wrong generation!!1" people kids.
Except that Queen was also the posterchild of the "people born in that generation". You might not get Queen, but their popularity among the next few generations has been extremely large. They've got something, whether or not it clicks for you.
Queen are legends, no doubt. But I was never really into them. Kreator, on the other hands, is in my Top 10 favorite bands, so...
Uh... he was. :huh:


god certainly gave himself quite the set of chompers then.