Why has Bruce disregarded his past in Samson?

Did you know that Lyle's Black Treacle (in that iconic tin) has a quote from Samson on it?... :innocent:
(And for those of you who have the faintest idea what I'm talking about: did you ever think the lion just had flies buzzing around it 'cause it was dead? :D)
I can't believe nobody paid attention to this post.
Thank you so much Cried, I never knew ancients believed bees to spontaneously generate in carcasses.
I wouldnt say Bruce disregards Samson - I really enjoyed the parts of his book around the time he was with them but in the grand scheme of time in his life it is almost a footnote compared to what has happened since in my eyes. Samson were at their best with Bruce as much as I think Maiden are at their best with Bruce - but in all honesty and with all respect Bruce was a cut above Samson.
Well let’s not forget he totally disregarded Maiden in 1993 and was positively embarrassed to be associated with all things metal. Cutting his hair and saying he liked Sting albums.

Thankfully he changed his mind a few years later.

Perhaps he just doesn’t see much merit in the Sampson output? To be honest he wrote a fair bit about them in his book. But it was mostly about drunken shenanigans.
Well let’s not forget he totally disregarded Maiden in 1993 and was positively embarrassed to be associated with all things metal. Cutting his hair and saying he liked Sting albums.

I can easily see him saying those things.

Perhaps he just doesn’t see much merit in the Sampson output? To be honest he wrote a fair bit about them in his book. But it was mostly about drunken shenanigans.

If so, then he's totally blind like Daredevil. Not only SAMSON made great records, they also discovered him, nurtured him and put him on the map.

"drunken shenanigans" - great name for a new NWOBNM band. LOL. Not for an old NWOBHM legend which died with its creator in 2002.