The books/stories:
"The Phantom of the Opera", "The Murders in the Rue Morgue", "Seventh Son", "When the Wind Blows", "Dracula", "Odyssey". All but the last two I read specifically because of their connection with Maiden (having not heard of them previously).
NB the reference to the Odyssey, though obvious, is actually inaccurate: Odysseus was tied to the mast and not the helm as given in the song - as he was trying to avoid the ship being lured towards the sirens the helm would have been the worst thing to tie him to! (Nightwish also got this point wrong in "The Siren".) The rest of the crew had their ears plugged with wax so they would not hear the singing, and thus were free to steer the ship safely (plus they couldn't hear Odysseus whining to be untied - I wonder if they left the wax in a bit longer than they needed to??)
The Captain of the Varna ship in "Dracula", however, having worked out that Dracula was picking his crew off two-at-a-time, did tie his hands to the wheel so that whatever happened he would still be able to bring the ship into port.
The poems:
"The Charge of the Light Brigade", "Tam O'Shanter", "Rime of the Ancient Mariner". My Dad liked to read to us from Palgrave's Golden Treasury on summer evenings when we were little. "Tam O'Shanter" I first encountered at school but in music lessons not English lit, because Malcolm Arnold (a name you may associate with Deep Purple's Concerto for Group and Orchestra) wrote a musical interpretation of it which was one of our course works. The tea clipper "Cutty Sark" is also named from this poem.