clap hands
I don’t think Kirk was ever a very good guitarist. I remember one of my first guitar books was Ride the Lightning and even then I felt the solos were mostly boring and not worth learning. He certainly has his moments but they are rare.
That being said I don’t think Metallica needs a lineup change. At this point in their career it would be pointless and they’ve become a bit of a heavy metal Beatles where even the weak links are vital components to the band. I can’t imagine a different drummer or guitarist. The exception of course is Rob who still comes off as a hired gun to me.
Kirk has never been a great guitarist, but he did used to write really perfect, simple melodic sections that enhanced the songs. Sort of like Adrian Smith, but with 99% less talent or creativity. It really worked for the overall power of the song. See The Unforgiven or Sanitarium - nothing too hard, but they really fit.
Rob does feel like a hired gun, which is weird considering he adds far more than Kirk and definitely puts out more energy than Kirk. He just has never really fit the image of the band, despite being a killer bassist and a great dude. I still miss Jason.